
Uhhh I think Kelly's plan is clear. He wants elite talent on Defense. Alonso was hte 2nd best LB in the NFL in pass coverage according to Football Outsiders, although he has his issues against the run. Maxwell was arguably the best CB in free agency.

On the flip side, he thinks he can make the offense work with

If you're running the spread offense, I can't imagine anything more spread out that placing your players all over the country on different teams.

They're thrilled with trading a really good young linebacker on a rookie deal for a 27 year old running back coming off of a bad season and making $10 million/year?

That black llama juking that dude out of his shoes could be on an And1 Mixtape

To be fair "conduct detrimental to the team" could just as easily be him taking a few open jumpers.


Muriel, you fucking idiot! It's two girls and one cup!

This is an amazing feat, considering magic has been banned outright in Alabama.

Wait till they see what happens when they bring it back in!

That's backwards. We ain't you because we hate you.

That's in the Constitution somewhere. Or the Bible. Both, I think.

Could watch this stuff all day.

I was yelling. But it was at a bartender, to not cash me out. (I had just asked him to cash me out after the clowncatch)

I think it's adorable that Jimmy Garoppalo was holding a football on the sideline. It's like a tiny little dog playing with the big dog's toy. "I just want to feel included!"

Because Christians don't have a voice in this country. What would we do if you weren't here to share the Christian perspective?

No one is saying you aren't allowed to have a voice, what we are saying is that too many "good/nice/whatever you want to think of yourself as" Christians sit by and do and say absolutely nothing while their peers engage in homophobia, discrimination and sexism.

The point is that the article is addressing the much larger group of Christians that are constantly pushing an agenda where not being Christian, and especially not be religious makes you an immoral heathen. You don't get props for being a decent person, bc that's what you're supposed to be. By trying to get snaps for

perfect. this is where i get to go all fox news and say,