
Nice! Have a good one!


Haha I want to play the victim here? Uhhh, not sure you know what victim means...

I'll work on that.

Not once did Dungy reference his talent. It strictly had to do with his orientation. Get your head out of your ass man.

Haha, comparing the NFL to the WNBA? LOL

"In or about April 2007, PEACE, PHILLIPS, and VICK executed approximately 8 dogs that did not perform well in 'testing' sessions … by various methods, including hanging, drowning, and slamming at least one dog's body to the ground."

And Sam was SEC defensive player of the year. That's about as good of pedigree as you can get. While I don't think he's a 1st - 5th round talent, it's still irrelevant to the point. But since you want to compare players, lets do it:

So, I've read your comment, twice. And I have literally no idea the point you are trying to make. I guess I'll answer this though: I know Dungy didn't coach Vick and I never once said he did.


Fucking irrelevant.

What you would do, for whatever reasons you would do them, is totally irrelevant. It's about Dungy. It was Dungy who called Sam a distraction not worthy of his time or effort. Yet, on multiple occasions, he has not only vouched and pushed for players who have committed crimes far worse than loving someone of the same

Hahaha, I can't even converse with you. You are really that stupid.

Yep, clearly your the idiot I thought you might have been.

Not right or wrong, just wrong. There isn't a gray area. Who the fuck cares what round he was drafted in, or if he'll make the team. It's a landmark event in pro sports, so there will obviously be questions and coverage.

Right? Vick MURDERED innocent animals. MURDERED. Hung them from shit, electrocuted them, buried them alive. Yeah, no distraction there whatsoever.


You know this is after he had been in the league for 3 years and clearly wasn't an NFL player, right?

And, more specifically about Manziel, who I would argue is a much bigger distraction:

So you haven't followed sports all that closely huh?