I disagree with every single thing you just wrote.
I disagree with every single thing you just wrote.
Maybe my original post was worded incorrectly.
Was that word used in any other way other than derogatory until it suddenly became cool to sing about being a "N" word, and your boys being an "N" word? No, no it wasn't. I absolutely think that the originally meaning of the word is watered down now that its become socially acceptable.
Glad you can read. Did I ever differentiate between who was saying the word and to whom it was directed? It shouldn't be said. EVER. Who the fuck cares if its a white person or black person saying it to another black person (or white person for that matter).
While I don't condone what happened, maybe something like this needed to happen? Maybe it's about time that black people are made aware of what the "N" word actually means. It's not funny, it's not cool (even though rap and hip hop have made it seem pretty fucking cool), it's not respectful. Actually horrified that…
Just read the ESPN book "These Guys Have All the Fun"
I hate you for that.
Jesus christ, Kit Kat isn't even in the top 10? Blasphemy.
Borussia Dortmund!
Let me just preface by saying I do not think weed should be illegal.
I disagree.
I agree 100%. You spend the time shoveling it after a snowstorm dumps a foot of snow, plus the plow snow...you have a pretty good claim to that spot.
I agree.
Did you really just put a picture of a punter hitting a kick returner as your comparison to this rule? Please, take back your allegiance to the Pats please. Punters should be exempt for any and all rules (besides maybe tripping).
Actually, no. It was clear Newton's father was shopping him around...probably received some type of payment, but...leading up to a National Championship game, taking out the bell cow and best player in the country? That's laughable.
Don't fight stupid with logic. They don't understand logic.
Morbid curiosity helped me make it to 2:17.
Brady had a child with a serious and longtime girlfriend. They broke up (this shit happens, you know). He still sees the child, was there for the child's birth, and...as far as we know, he doesn't have "secret" children w/ random woman across the country like AP does. Totally different situations.
Hopefully they have learned from their mistakes.