
Like Susan G. Komen. They’re aware of breast cancer. They’re so aware that they make millions off breast cancer’s existence. They’re just not going to actually do anything about it.

That’s all well and good, but it still doesn’t change the fact that I look absolutely nothing like 90% of anime and game characters. Even beyond my skin tone, I have dreads. I’m not cutting them off for shit, especially not some cosplay.

“while Rockstar has continuously updated GTA Online for free”

Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

I’ve been playing the shit out of Shadow of Mordor recently. This got a significant giggle out of me. Thanks for sharing.

So does Nintendo have any major announced first party titles between Star Fox Zero and Zelda or is it now dead in the water? Because that press release does not make it sound like we have any surprises left..

Leung doesn’t travel to Iowa often, but he’s definitely not visiting anywhere near Da Buque.

This guy’s got the right idea.

Don’t worry, Konami will probably be done short after.

Framerate is more important to me than resolution, so Xbone gets a check from me. Still ain't buying one, much less to play CoD.

Er... Actually, the entire design paradigm of Killer Instinct, as a series, is to counteract the notion of "the winner is the one that starts a combo and remembers what buttons to press." It's the reason Combo Breakers were conceived as a mechanic in the first place (back in the first game) and why they're expanding

My question is (and I say this as Lindy's #1 Fan), is there any reason this critique shouldn't then be written by a black woman? I agree that as a white feminist you need to be very sure that what you're saying isn't just talking out of your privilege, and that you might not understand his art because you're not the