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Kimmy Schmidt should just submit this YouTube clip and then say (Mona-Lisa Saperstein voice) “awards please!”

No prob. The initial insult to Diplo when he played a track for her was that it sounded like “airport reggae”. Duty free shops are the stores in airports where you can buy items at discounted and often tax-free prices (hello white Hennesy). Airport=Dutyfree. So a clever recall to a earlier burn that is both succinct

She is clearly is doing what she pleases and that delights me as well. Also my girl is Bajan and where was the lie, and I say this as a fan of Major Lazer who wishes them the best (a former college mate is part of their group).

Rihanna is so brilliant and yet reserved. She is just delightful. I love her.

I am so, so tired of the fat-bashing attendant to this whole Usher thing. It’s depressing as fuck, and it makes me mad as hell. Usher isn’t even good looking. I’m fat as hell, and have both dated and “dated” a bunch of guys much more attractive than that, and one nearly as rich.

400 cats, wow, Beth Stern is just a few tax brackets away from a Hoarders episode. Kidding, 400 cats is amazing. I say that as someone who fosters cats and kittens, that shit gets expensive and labor intensive. Spay and neuter your cats, people, kitties are slutty and positively Duggarish on birth control.

It’s a comedy with trenchant social points to make! In a way, one of it’s true descendants was Sex in the City!


We all know it’s Great Ormond Street Hospital’s fault this model was kidnapped!

This version is what actually made me read the book, so I’ll always have some love for it. And I especially appreciate the dirty details of the movie - it’s set in the country! Even the fancy ladies have dirt on their hems, and the houses are cluttered, there are farm animals all over the place, and everyone’s hair is

I am SO with you on all of this. I own this movie and watch it all the time. Love the “dirty-hem” version!

The pig walking through the yard, or the scene where the Bennett women are lazing around and have to suddenly make themselves presentable for company.

*raises hand* I actually like it MORE then the BBc version.

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That first dance scene is lovely and energetic in a way that helps bring down to earth that while the period of time was stuffy by modern standards, people still had fun sometimes. It also shows the solid contrast between the Bennets’ world and Darcy and Bingley’s world when compared to the more formal dance scene at

It’s not a gazebo: it’s the Temple of Apollo at Stourhead in Wiltshire. You can get married there:

I completely agree. I have deep dislike for Keira Knightley for lots of reasons (I just don’t think she’s anything special despite how people used to fall over themselves about her, and I was super mad that she’s the one who became famous after a meh performance in Bend it Like Beckham when the movie was about a brown

Yes! Her half laugh-half gasp, and then her laugh at herself!

Same here! I am a huge Austen fan, and have been for 35 years+, and I refused to see the KK version until dragged to it — and it is superior in all ways to the JE and CF version. Except for filling out some of the plot, which they couldn’t do because of length. And, I never thought I would say that.

Yeah, time has really softened my opinion of Mrs. Bennet. Those girls were screwed unless they married rich and she was the only one to truly acknowledge it. Her sending Jane on horseback probably did seal the deal with Bingley. And her frantic spinning/acceptance of the Lydia situation could be read as an attempt to

Me too! I also love how at the dance, they’re really kicking up their heels and having fun. It’s not stately or classy, it’s just everybody having a grand time bouncing around. And their hair gets flyaways and messy (cuz there’s no hairspray anyway), and their faces get a bit sweaty and nobody cares cuz they’re