I knowwwwwwwwww.
I knowwwwwwwwww.
YAS! I’ll take more hot Riz Ahmed gifs any day! Throw in some Dev Patel and I will give you a million stars.
Literally had an orgasm when I refreshed the page and saw the top article.
jesus fuck riz ahmed is so ridiculously good-looking, my god
But finding a male lead in his 20s who can act and sing has proven difficult — especially since the studio wants someone of Middle-Eastern or Indian descent
I would imagine liking The Band Perry is easier if you don’t like country.
It’s easy to try and tear down celebrities. Probably due to jealousy and envy. But everyone has problems. I think it’s brave they talk about the battles that they face, that most of us face, and give us a positive example of how to communicate with your partner effectively so that their relationship can overcome hate…
Find your bridge, troll.
I have a government job, so why not
You are reading the dirtbag. Its not supposed to be important.
Beyoncé has said openly that many of her songs are fiction (back in the crazy era), I really liked that about her. I don’t know why we assume music is always autobiographical when paintings, movies, or books rarely viewed that way. Art as a representation of your own personal life or public romance always makes me…
What was Blac Chyna supposed to do with Dream while she was getting her restraining order? Take her to the court house? I’m sure some of y’all would say she is using the baby to get attention. If she left the baby with a nanny or family member, y’all would say she is should be watching her baby. At least her baby was…
Jay-Z annoys me. It took the birth of his daughter to think about what it might be like to be a woman? He’s surprised when he asks his faithful, beautiful, exceptionally talented and successful wife not to leave *after cheating on her*? He’s just awful. I don’t get his thing. 4:44, the song, comes off half-assed…
Wait, he and Mila share a cousin?
None of us have Tidal. We don’t know the answer to that.
Real Alaskan here who eats A LOT of salmon- that’s pink salmon hair which is the crappy salmon we feed our dogs.
I count 28. And not one #blessed. This person is bad at Instagram.
Remember when people used to dye their hair all different kinds of colors when they wanted to be edgy and now everyone just dyes it that vague gray color? Yeah. That’s so weird. I cannot figure out why everyone is doing the same damn thing. There’s a whole spectrum of colors to choose from. Dare to be different. …
Perfect excuse to post my brand new purple hair
Bish please, that’s just pink dye that has faded.