
The boom shook our house. I thought it was another PG&E disaster. It occurred at 7:49 pm PST as I was making shrimp tacos. Then another boom happened around 11 ish.

Those are fucking space insect eggs, and we are about to unleash some flying critters on Earth. Someone put Johnny Rico on alert.

All I want to know is: WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO REVIVE THE 850! When I was a young lad in the late 80's early 90's, the 850 was such a sexy beast. They need to bring it back.

Read this and weep: Insight: How compounding pharmacies rallied patients to fight regulation

Jesus, I do. What a surreal moment that was and still is. A statue's boobs is going to give him a woody? As if is COULD get a woody.

This is an actual email I sent to our network engineer. It was hasty. He tried to be a smart ass, and I gave it to him. Keep in mind that he was part of the team that designed our admin panel mentioned below.

This made me chuckle. + 0.5

What is also amazing is that: given the distance of the Sun to Mars making the sun appear 2/3 the size we see here, and the fact that the atmosphere there is only 7% as dense as Earth's that the days look THAT bright. Based on that raw data, one would assume that Mars would have more like a permanent 6AM crepuscular

Do any of you know of (not just good but) AWESOME graphic novels one can read on a tablet?

Here is what is so beautiful about the world/universe we live in. These images look like (symbolically) microscopic eggs that are evolving into adult stars. It is astounding how the nature repeats it's design over and over on small and massive scales.

You my friend need a: JawBra

For a second, due to my dyslexia, I thought you said: " I bet I could find a similar item at a garbage sale".

I fully endorse. Will throw the Sesame Halloween Party if need be.

Its like a scene from a Star Wars movie. Lovely indeedy.

Yes, I am an avid reader of Gawker/iO9 and Gizmodo and at the SAME time, I believe the Earth is flat. Surprised?

There was a 60 Minutes segment about a similar process that oddly enough was "discovered" as follows: if you inject a hot dog with a salt-water solution in the center and microwave it for a few seconds, the hot dog remain intact, the area where you had this solution burns. The idea was to come up with a nano particle

How can this be? The Earth is 9000 years old. #factcheckyour"science"

I bet you my lunch they would serve us Sashimi style since they are not used to fire and what not. With some seaweed on the side. Maybe sea urchin as appetizer. Seeing how they get treated under water, the wait staff would clearly be the Pajama Sharks.

Is this what you dream of in Turel Corp? up in your space tower? You are working on something, I just know it.

I wish the octopus would just evolve already into a humanoid form. I think it would be awesome to have terrestrial competition from Octopodo-sapiens.