
This is crap.

More fuel for my misanthropy.

Came expecting bent mind; left disappointed.

Jesus, they're words. Stop giving a fuck.

Oh, so no serious contributions were made? Bandwagon have any empty seats?

Effective weapon. Cheesy acting. Hearing, "Hit him," and "Yea," more than once made me wanna throw a fit.

Agreed. Yelp feels user-driven, which I doubt a Google run Zagat could.


Apple should sue the USS Enterprise as it looks like their Apple Stores.

I'm suing you for using words. I USE WORDS!!!

Dumbest. Name. Ever.

Idk, it looks to me as if that scanner articulates. I'm giving it the benefit of a doubt...

More incentive to sit bare-assed on one?

Because scanners need them?

You must also walk without audible pattern or else Shai-Hulud will gobble you up.

Eh, Yelp should be safe.

So, this "anti-lung cancer vaccine" is... counterproductive?

I second this.

Also, don't be surprised if SJ claims the Google logo as intellectual property soon. Steve Jobs has Covert Ops trained to 5.

Perhaps. Although, I didn't like the whine about Google NOT making things overly simple like Apple does. Muscles atrophy. So do brains.