Helen Savage

When my daughter was inducted into National Junior Honor Society this year, I started to notice that the boys walked in alone, but the girls were all escorted by the boys. OH HELL NO! I was so irate, but I tried to set it aside for the moment, so that I could enjoy a proud moment for my daughter who had worked so

My guess is that her mother didn’t want to do it - so far it appears that she is a woman who does not court nor welcome press attention (who could blame her). Meghan is quite used to being leered at/ scrutinized by the general public. Her mother is not.

Can you imagine having that weirdo as a father in law?

Not having to load a dishwasher or go grocery shopping ever again is my guess.

How absolutely unaware of the world around you do you have to be to not know this? Tillerson had it absolutely right. He is a fucking moron.

Shit, so much makes sense now! Donald is cutting foreign aid, because he thinks it’s the same thing as AIDS.

I read an article years ago that drew a correlation between wealth and ostentatiously large families. Although the few friends I have with 3+ children are just upper middle class.

It’s...New York. That’s why.

I’ve had many jobs in my life and cannot imagine ever wanting any colleague I’ve ever had to be in my wedding party. That would just be weird.

I actually think Charles is going to dissolve the monarchy as we know it because he knows William doesn’t want to be king.

Their father had the audacity to divorce their mom and marry a black woman and they’ve hated Meghan ever since her birth and childhood. She had the fancy pants education and career that they feel they were owed. They’re truly horrible people.

Word. The fact that she is using her maiden name AND just dyed her hair brown to “resemble” Meghan more is just so freaking icky. I hate Piers Morgan with the fire of a thousand suns but he was right when he called that woman a vulture.

I am so annoyed by this, lol. I’m sure Jessica Mulroney is a nice person, but honestly, she strikes me as just annoying as hell. I checked out her instagram account once and everything about her just seems so cheesy fake fake fake (including Ben). Like, it low key pains me that her kids will be in a royal wedding,

Holy crap I had no idea that Meghan’s bff was Jessica Mulroney! She is married to Ben Mulroney, Canada’s lowrent, smarmier version of Ryan Seacrest.

Do you ever read comments on some of those blogs or bling gossip sites? Yes some people do. A lot of people really hate Meghan and will jump on anything demonize her. It’s scary how people with no stakes are still getting riled up about a WOC joining the royal family.

J. Mulroney is also the worst.

Does anyone else while reading stories about Meghan Markle’s extended family think about which of their own extended family would be selling stories to the press if they were to marry royally?

Meg and I do not have a relationship now.

She married at a super young age, despite being independently wealthy, to a guy whose principal attraction to her obviously is that she’s Kurt Cobain’s kid. (To be sure, she’s gorgeous and undoubtedly very bright.) That doesn’t exactly scream “makes well thought out life decisions.”

Frances Bean might have some impulse control problems. Shocking for the child of Kurt and Courtney, I know.