Helen Savage

Not to mention being a douche to women.

What about Miramax/ TWC movies - that covers a lot of territory?

I guess you missed Crimes and Misdemeanors. It’s a great movie. Loved Match Point too.

This is very smart on Macy’s part and I hope they hire Ayana Ife a Project Runway finalist for last year.

She could be trolling everyone too.

C’mon. A puppy would clog up the toilet.

I read it as “down girl” as in “she’s down with the hip shit.” Agree about the comma.

Unfortunately he’s also a Brexiteer.

That’s the one I have no question about. I thought this was settled.

And Little Richard.

no. heard it’s normal

And let’s add: what kind of things happened to her as a child performer? I hope nothing. Truly. But after hearing Dushku’s story would it be a shock?


Can top: last year my 25 hour a week co-worker who doesn’t handle the level of responsibilities I do and has poor computer literacy skills, was given the same raise and bonus as me, a full time 40 hour a week grant writer/database manager/all admin at this awful little museum I work for. This meant he received a 5%

WHY WHY WHY can’t one tv be tuned to TCM? Why!??!!

This response is making me wonder about the pay equity on The Deuce with the awful Franco and the transcendent Maggie Gyllenhaal. She is credited as a Producer and he is credited as Exec Producer. Hope she is getting it all because she is doing amazing work. Gyllenhaal and the other actresses are the whole show.

Perfect example: who’s had the better career since the show?

Huh, I always heard it was Lisa Kudrow who kept everyone together on the negotiations.

Isn’t it funny how all the male actors are “bigger names?”

Maybe William needs more time with Harry’s therapist.