Helen Savage

Cowering in fear right behind you, Lady.

Well...I don’t know about the bells. But, yeah...Hillary.

Did you see the doc Happy Valley, all about the school and football program? These people are insane - I just don’t get it.

Just stick with Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harem. Great to grind to.

Alexander Hamilton was dreamy.

You got that right!


“Blahblahblah,” said the woman who had a face lift to keep her job.

No, there’s no mix-up. I heard the same interview. In fact, RFK worked for Joe McCarthy early on. The families were tight.

Is that a booger in her nose? oh wait...

That’s how she makes a “living”? She should get a real job and stop pretending every minute of her every waking day is interesting.

Whoever says “Berniebro” first, loses.

I went to google and all I got was this pitcher

Lots of jealous petty talentless egos commenting on how talentless this very successful (in this former actor’s opinion: talented) actress is.

It’s great that they are trans but it’s fantastic that they are working class.

Wait: there are black and brown people in CO? GTFOH...

Why? It’s the funniest and most interesting thing about her.

If it makes you feel any better MisterMcGibblets I laughed twice as hard.

Sounds like a plan.

That hot dry AZ climate is hell on your skin...