Or mold-encrusted walls are closing in on them.
Or mold-encrusted walls are closing in on them.
Ha! Same here...I read just find out which of the many Eve's out there it could be.
I'm sure it will be.
How many times have we read stories of parents who forgot their kid was in the backseat, forgot they put the kid on the roof of the car, etc. And there's always sympathy for the parents. I don't know why but I am leaning toward giving this child care place the benefit of the doubt - I seriously doubt anyone said…
Yeah, but the family dynamic was "Richard's a musical genius" and drums were not considered feminine or ladylike. They had really screwed up parents and Karen was a really troubled person. Her story is sad. But their music is great.
Wow...how did she do that?!? Is it photoshop, skin-bleaching, what?
Bill Murray told his ex-wife she was lucky. Lucky he didn't kill her. Instead he just beat her.
Why is Bill Murray the only wife-beater who gets a pass on Jezebel?
Bill Murray look like what he is - a raging alcoholic.
Why is Bill Murray the only male celebrity Jez always writes about so gloriously while never mentioning his past behavior of spousal abuse - including telling his ex-wife she was lucky he didn't kill her? No other celebrity gets away with that here. Even John Lennon gets kicked around even tho that's pretty much…
I think Gwyneth is on the record bragging about her full-on bush.
It's a rental. $7 million for a rental. Not sure how that's cheap anywhere.
What is it gonna take to get this woman to understand no one can stand her? A hashtag? #gothefuckawayHilaria #andstaythefuckaway #alsoshutthefuckup
I vote for stop tweeting.
Stupid and ugly. And how long do you have to do something to make it a "tradition"? This has been going on for less than a decade.
Really? I know he was diagnosed with nonspecific urethritis but never read about any syphilis/gonorrhea.
Never heard that...links?
Yeah. There is only one Rawls and it's Lou.
Yeah, where is Bridget Fonda? It's like she fell off the earth.
She is one of my favorites. Really good actress.