I watched it a couple of times because it won a lot of awards and I've heard (online) that it's supposed to be funny. It isn't. Who watches network tv anymore? And please don't tell me you're too poor for cable - everything is online.
I watched it a couple of times because it won a lot of awards and I've heard (online) that it's supposed to be funny. It isn't. Who watches network tv anymore? And please don't tell me you're too poor for cable - everything is online.
Fingers crossed.
Her parents? WTF?
Joy Behar had a radio show in NYC for years before the view. It was really good and I hope it comes back but I'm guessing there are bigger things in the pipeline for her. But feel free to ignore.
Rhianna has a mother who's alive? And this is what she's getting on her daughter about? Well, that explains a lot.
Jesus, yes. Woman's got millions - go to a dentist already.
Louis-Dreyfus also didn't use her family (Tiny Furniture - which I think is kind of amazing) to establish her career. Like I said - I like Tiny Furniture. But Dunham does leave herself wide open on that one.
It's kind of amazing how well Seinfeld has held up. I can't say the same for Sex in the City - that show got dated fast.
I think he looks kinda dickish.
You could be right about where he in his career now (not to mention his personal life) but I've always had the feeling he's a bit of a workaholic. Taking over the Fallon gig would be a ton of work tho.
Not sure he'd have to leave his current gig on satellite radio which was a really dumb move for someone who is usually a really good business person. Howard loves money but never underestimate how desperate he is to for love from mainstream America.
Anyone who uses "methinks" has no idea what funny is.
Hey there possible future really good friend - gimme a shout out if you ever get the word. And vicey-versa.
Well, I'm not sure about the Olsen's or Carla but have you ever read this:
So sad to hear that awful news about Valerie Harper.
You know why you hate him? Cause he's a douchebag.
Yeah, me neither.
I thought it was a very lazily made film. Allen doesn't give a lot of direction and he'll let actors improvise. This did not serve Rachel McAdams well at all. Also Owen Wilson? Can you imagine a female actor with a nose like that even having a career? He's incredibly unappealing. Brother's way better but he's an…
So I heard. And that's why I haven't and won't see it. Midnight in Paris was enough of a waste of time.
Who the hell cares what Jamie Lee Curtis thinks? Or Hilaria whats-er-name.