You can be vapid and sweet, not mutually exclusive...
You can be vapid and sweet, not mutually exclusive...
There have been about 171,434,736 movie screenings* in America since Aurora, and two shootings in movie theaters.
Part of the state law about the loser paying court costs is that all parties have to have been clearly informed of that fact. They went ahead with the suit anyway, knowing that risk. Lots of sympathy for their original ordeal, not so much for failing to try to scrape some money out of an innocent party after the fact.
talk about her views on “the gays,” a term she repeats several times. You can decide for yourself how offended you are by that.
A) Why would you drive around with a truck full of pre-inflated sex dolls instead of deflating them and putting them in a box?
Agreed completely. That’s the decision-making part, though, I was trying to answer your question, from my own experience, as to how anyone could see her as a sexual target. There’s no decision-making in the loop of what arouses males, IME, so she was a sexual target to guys in her school because she’s sexually mature…
Haven’t you noticed that the male sexual response is almost totally visual? If her body is sexually mature then it triggers that response in men. I don’t think it’s a calculation or decision-making process at all. Of course ACTING on it is a decision-making process, and this guy should have spent a couple of years in…
Can someone explain the appeal of Sam Kinison? Nowhere in his mess of an act did he say something that was amusing or genuinely funny.
The wheels of justice grind slow, but fine; Taylor Swift doesn’t grind at all, because that’s not her brand.
I don’t think I enjoyed it enough to “recommend to Amazon” that they make more. Is that silly? Unfair? I don’t know. Again, just, whatever.
Only a closeted hipster would think that hipsters are a recent thing.
I believe the sexual assault part was to remind us that we should hate the school’s stance of trigger warnings/safe spaces because they have unrelated issues elsewhere.
Yes, I’ve been present on campi when students physically blocked access for a speaker they disagreed with to get to the venue at which he was speaking.
taking away your ability to be politically incorrect
we’re sure trying
It reads as “How far up our own asses can we go without disappearing altogether.” Writing about how you wrote about something you were writing about = “content” in the Babblosphere...
Can we not forget that when women cape for rapists or apologists, that not only makes it worse for victims but sends a message that those victims shouldn’t be listened to since this woman is saying those guys are “alright”?
And gossip is human nature. Always was, always will be.
Appropriate response is, dump this manchild and find a grown-ass man who doesn’t spend chunks of his life playing with childrens’ characters that were designed for 10-year-olds.
I wager there’s not enough time in the day to trowel on the Kabuki makeup she uses to maintain the veneer of perfection before every errand, and she’s too vain to let her face be seen without it.