
the trailer is just ridiculousamazing. if you love Hammer films…


"As to questions about the fate of her Comedy Central sketch show, Schumer reiterated that she’s currently focusing on other pursuits, despite the show’s recent renewal by the network."

dear gods this is a GREAT definition of the man. well done.

RIP Christopher Hitchens <3

Personally I LOVE how Stewart 'doesn’t care for dressing up anymore'. <3

my husbands buys movies on dvd. true story!

ooooh I bet she was, too!

I thought it was established earlier that Scott Thompson s the Queen of Canada.

isnt' that the bald guy from Little Britain?!?!

apparently 16 years is sufficient time passed to 'rediscover the greats', according to this article. christ, is it that people have such memories nowadays, or that people get nostalgic for stuff that's not very old?

but where was this music ever called dance punk, except for in this article? this is all post punk IMO. danceable post punk but post punk nonetheless.

the owner of the cat, in the original french post, body shames the cat plenty, so this has been covered.

If you could read the french article, the owner of the cat also insults her. I commented to him ' dude, if she's fat it;s cus you over fed her.'

Villeneuve is not hard to spell! it's the word Ville (as in city) and Neuve (as in new).
Just give up already and call him newjackcity.

Same here, and yes.

dear gods, and you are still friends with him?

to me it goes more like this:
Sloane is the love interest
Cameron is the sidekick
rooney the villain, Jennifer the fool.

'Can we please do phrasing again?' yes plz.

I don't know how many times I've done this on a group work, but was unable to complain to the teacher afterwards because IT's A GROUP EFFORT i.e. if I can't talk people into doing their fair share, it's my fault. somehow. ARGH AWFUL MEMORIES OF HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE FLOODING IN NOOOOOO!!!