Standard spoiler disclaimer, etc.
Standard spoiler disclaimer, etc.
Jaime and to a slightly lesser extent Cersei are perfectly acceptable as favorite Game of Thrones characters. They don't have much in common with Boone/Shannon besides "attractive and incest" though, and have far deeper characterizations.
If we're going by wigs then it should be Matthew Rhys/Keri Russell.
I wouldn't say people just put WWII behind them, either. It's the most profoundly influential event/period in the modern era, possibly of all time. WWII completely eradicated the old world order and created a new one - and its effects on the mass psyche are hard to fully grasp especially if you're from the U.S. or…
I rarely watch movies on Netflix either, but they still definitely have a bigger/better selection than Amazon. I guess I've just burned through more of Netflix's TV library, so it seems thinner.
I don't know, it used to be mediocre but the addition of basically the entire "modern" HBO catalog gives it a significant boost. It doesn't really replace Netflix but it's a worthy competitor. I might even call Amazon better for TV dramas while Netflix has more/better comedies.
Here's how I see it going down.
Not to be a downer, but such a big Don-Peggy reconciliation at this point in the run makes me a tad nervous for what's to come. Obviously, anything could happen with a (half) season finale looming next week, but I can't help but think that if they're coming together now, that just gives them a whole new half season to…
The tension on this show is off the charts at this point. Every new scene just adds on to the creeping sense that at least one person is definitely 100% fucked - we just don't know who yet. It could really be almost anyone.
For my money, this was easily the best episode of the season thus far. Completely absurd in almost every way, but this show can sell the hell out of it. Hannibal composing neo-Baroque music on a harpsichord feels like the kind of wonky gag House of Cards might attempt, except that here, it feels earned. The show's…
To all who dig this sort of thing: check out Mnozil Brass. One of my favorite groups working today. INCREDIBLY virtuostic brass playing. And they're also from Central Europe - Austria for most of them.
Not trying to start a war here, but I think Mad Men's supporting characters are leagues more interesting than Breaking Bad's. It just takes a little longer to realize their subtleties, because they're presented more like real people. It takes time to really get to know them. Don and Peggy, the two most important…
The more I think about it, the more this is one of my favorite pilots of all time. I can't think of one I'd really call "better".
Can Hershel die already before he becomes Rick's Ghost Harry? Not that he isn't already.
This episode makes me highly optimistic for this show's future, actually. The expanded cast gives a ton of new storytelling possibilities, which is extremely welcome given its repetitive nature. Already, we have several new, potentially interesting scenarios:
-A plague breakout in the camp (could get out of hand very…
I'm not optimistic. The accent alone is over the top.
Wow, I loved this episode. After a moment's thought I realized that the following were not present:
1. Mad Men
2. Justified
3. Rectify
4. Breaking Bad
5. The Americans
I'd put it in my top few episodes based on the camerawork alone. So many fucking cool shots.
If you can deal with 24, Homeland will probably be fine. It sort of goes down the drain over the course of the second season though, so be aware before you start.