Rory of the Hills

When you are rich, you can get anything you want no matter what state you live in.

I said nothing about that, nor did I miss the point.

“Wait... we’re really wondering why someone who was sentenced to 5 years for stealing $120 would be afraid of standing trial for armed robbery?”

What the heck is Dark Shadows?

I’ve never heard of this show. So I guess I should check it out? I have limited time available for TV (kids, work, etc) so I have to choose my shows wisely.

No, not treason. Wrong, inappropriate, immoral, etc. Not treason. That sentence took away a bitfrom an otherwise brilliant summary.

There was a really good New Yorker article a few weeks back on this topic. Long story short, it could very well happen if the Dems take the House in 2018 (unlikely due to gerrymandering and low non-Presidential year turnout among Democratic groups, but still possible).


I do not have time to listen to this until later in the week, but curious..Do you discuss what happened in Brittany in this period? thx

Survey shows 99.4% of visitors to Deadspin.com don’t give a crap about “Esports” and are sick of seeing posts about them constantly.

Flynn getting himself fired and this guy taking his place was the best thing that has happened to this country under this Administration so far. Hopefully McMasters will stay on...God I hope so...

Damn how can I get my wife on one of these committees? She, too, couldnt’ tell you who won the last World Cup, and we could really use the money.

The Capitals have been called the “Choking Dogs” since the late 80s for their playoff ineptitude against lower seeded teams and collapses after leading series/games. The fact that in the past decade, this collection of talent and generally good teams has not made it past the 2nd round is pretty ridiculous.

Yes, but you can blame them for trying to argue it wasn’t about slavery, among other historical lies they trot out to make the South seem like some sort of romantic, glorious victim.

Obviously I have no idea what his deal is but i imagine that after decades of amphetamine use the damage to one’s brain takes a toll and outweighs their previous short term effects.

I don’t understand though, is there anything he talks about that where he sounds like he knows the topic, relevant (and fairly accurate) details, and is able to talk coherently for more than a paragraph? Everything is just vague, running, jumping from topic to topic (and usually full of falsehoods). Everything...I

“a majority of immigrants detained were charged with non-violent offenses”

There is no point. It’s just more useless content that doesn’t add anything of value or note.

“Rinse and repeat. Then die. Because we are all going to die in nuclear holocaust.”

It’s easier to charm, bribe, and/or threaten members of a local zoning board than it is the egomaniacs and ideologues on Capitol Hill.