
I don’t have that much experience with automatic cars, but doesn’t the steering wheel stop moving when the engine stalls or you put the car in “park”? That seems even more dangerous, not being able to steer at all.

Are you serious?

This is what to take away from that information: the US way is a horrendous waste of energy/electricity. Apart from being completely unnecessary. It just makes me so angry to read how some people mistreat their natural resources.

“Don’t cut your fingers on the wrapping paper when unwrapping.” sounds like “Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.” to me.

How come you listed almost all of my favourite songs of 2016? Since I refuse to believe I have such bad tast in music, it must be you. This list just led from one WTF-moment to the next.

Good for you!!

Ah, butter! I do not understand why people would EVER want to eat margerine.

Alternatively, you could just buy a FRESH turkey. Geez!

Congratulations on that decision :) Humans are designed to eat meat.

45 minutes? I’d be out of there in 10, maximum, if I wanted an employee and didn’t find one. I’d (mentally) tell them to go ahead and keep their stuff and I’d never go there ever again.

You know what, COMTNDRVR, you are completely right and I apologize. I honestly didn’t notice that the blog post I clicked led me to a car blog, as I was cruising IO9. While this topic IMO has no place on a enterntainment/scifi-blog like IO9, it does belong on blogs like this one.

I hate people blowing up non-issues. This topic is not worth even a single word of thought or even reporting. I’m feeling stupid just writing a commentary to this completely blown-out-of-proportion not-a-problem problem. Do you guys have no lives??

This a good example of what kind of problems people start having when they have it TOO good. They urgently need a reality check.

Since any OS after XP is basically a resource-draining, patronising nightmare, this bit of news is not surpsiring at all.

I think eating before going to be can make it harder to fall asleep (at least for me) but the main reason for this is that it’s good for your metabolism to have 14 hours in every 24 where you don’t eat - and that’s easiest accomplished if you eat a few hours before bed-time, going to bed while you’re still satiated,

What if that person is myself? I can’t really stop giving myself information or anything...

Are these little, hairy chromosomes? Creepy!