Heero Yuy

I guess what gets me is that “I think the church you attend may not be a good one” is a conversation that would be hard to have with a really close friend or family member. Having it in the entertainment press stunned me. That’s why this piece caught my attention. My Catholic friend still attended mass every Sunday

Wait it’s mostly single player now?

Man ffxi still hold some of the fondest memories for me and was the reason i started playing healers in almost everything. I remember starting up as a lowly theif at launch learning how to play and then hitting the sands of some place where you had to fight crabs....lots of crabs.

Okay, first, we did that performance in 2002. Second, unless you have proof, stop spreading gross exaggerations and outright lies. I was the one who dated Roy between 2005 and 2011, and seeing as my birthday is in 1985, that would make me *gasp* 20 when we started dating. If we were as close as you claim we were (and

Wow, this was a fantastic explanation for why servers should make regular minimum wage or more and how that would make going out to eat WAAAAAY more pleasant if we were not subjected to this sort if thinking. 

That’s the point I was hoping you weren’t making. I don’t see the problem with someone wanting to take a vacation to Pearl Harbor. Just because shit happened there doesn’t negate the original reason of someone wanting to go there with the reasons you’ve stated. That’s just you being a asshole for thinking you have a

Holy shit, great catch. It’s the exact same, the only thing they changed was the word “Kill” to “Win”.

Then there’s places like San Diego where much of the population is young, liberal, and non-white but many local governments are Republican majority

I’m curious how a game like FF14 which I would argue has much more complex and challenging bosses for its raid content, has made it this far without any sort of DBM equivalent. Oh right, it’s because it isn’t required in WoW or any MMO it just lets players auto pilot and stare at their action bars instead of actually

I see what you’re saying, but while DMB is a huge convenience, it is by no means essential to playing the game. I like it, and I hope the best for its creator, but it is in no way, shape, or form a key component of the game. Everything it does, you can learn how to pay attention and do yourself. It’s basically a means

I came down here to post the exact same thing. Fortnite is copying all types of dances which were originally invented by someone else. A large portion of them were created by black artists, but not all. How about we make the discussion about whether Fortnite should be paying royalties to anyone whose dances they are

Have we lost the idea of any due process before a person’s livelihood is destroyed?

Have we lost the idea of any due process before a person’s livelihood is destroyed?

I would give you a hundred stars if I could.

I don’t know anything about Dykstra, Hardwick or Nerdist, I only read Dykstra’s piece on Medium. And I’m confused about her behavior. Is it normal that women take a job they don’t like? Or being repeatedly sexually assaulted without going to the police, without at least leaving the assaulter? He turn’s out to be a

cute little insinuation there, but i think everyone ought to be worried about the death of privacy in personal dealings, and the narcissism required therein. silly me.

not every relationship spat equals abuse, and everyone desperate to be a star victim and get their revenge would do well to realize that and the

Cory Barlog said that a lot of people thought what you did, but the way he saw it was that Kratos killed her son, and family is one of the most important things in the story of this game. She was even ready to let Baldur kill her out of familial love, but Kratos interfered and killed him instead.

Your son was just killed and you want nuance? She totally freaked out about the arrows just the same.

I couldn’t disagree more thoroughly.

This looks similar to the sweet Mexican bread I eat:

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.