Heero Yuy

Xbox one imposes it's OWN restrictions IN ADDITION TO THE PUBLISHERS' own restrictions.

The thing that perplexes me the most, is why you would give up before the decision can be made. Usually, a "debrief" would be done at the end of a project, and that's when decisions on extra hires are made, definitely not during a project itself, unless it's absolutely necessary.

This may sound a bit mean.. but if you look at a business point of view.. You can see why..

Yo, read all of my replies to both yours and this article. I am EXACTLY that... a former QA contractor (started in 97'), now a FTE at a wonderful studio. In my contracting time I started as a peon QA tester, made a name for myself by having a strong work ethic, good feedback to devs, and being able to blow through

That's to say the only legitimate "other side of the story" is someone who started freelance in gaming, went full time, and was happy with their experience. Basically, someone who "succeeded" by your own personal barometer of success. That's very narrow criteria.

The thing about his argument is that the "poor treatment" that he refers to has nothign to do with being a contract worker or how he was actually treated. He didnt get a career job at a completely different company and feels mistreated for that. Its delusional.

He has no argument because there is no poor treatment. He

What exactly do you thinka contract job is?
Does a plumber expect microsoft to hire him because he designed their sewage sistem?
Does building developer expect Ubisoft to hire them on because he made the building they work in?
Does Artist who designs a movie poster expect Universal to give them a directing job?
Does the

Uh. You're a contract worker. You cant be treated any better or any worse because you signed a contract saying exactly what you were in store for.
You're buthurt because you feel you are for some reason entitled to a career for which you have no education, and for some reason you feel you deserve this more than any

He's being an asshole? It's true, something bad happens "Oh lets pray to god" something good happens "Oh this is gods work he's looking out for me"

Yeah, I can't believe how weak this conference was.

Every single post I find myself facepalming harder than the last. They cannot be serious about not having a solution to used games can they? What in the flying fuck are they going to tell services like GameFly?

Game over. PS4 wins.

Wow, that's so damn smart. Would have never thought of that really. :s

Because the Wii U is not Next-Gen?

I work for a bank as a credit card processor, so I'd like to shine a little light on this subject for people who don't know the details of running a business.

It only becomes a joke when it is observed as such! ;)


I'd do this one way. Have 6 cameras in the package, one on each side. And then I'll send it again and again till the package "settles" nicely in the different areas. If this is only ONE cam, then it's pretty amazing that it points in the cool direction at any time, and that it doesn't get blocked up by other parcels

This wreaks of someone trying to gain journalistic cred. The critique is far more hollow (and less thought out) than the game.