Heero Yuy

I kept hearing about this so called “broken” steam version. However, I played it at launch and didn’t find it broken at all, not even a single crash occurred.

I thought sponsored posts are required to put Sponsored somewhere.

Now playing

Guy Fieri genuinely seems like a great geniune guy. This story told by Josh of Mythical Kitchen cements it for me.

I love how the author linked articles about Blizzard doing something similar, but yet there’s the distinct omission of articles linking to Nintendo doing the same, in much greater frequency, and even hiring detectives to stalk people they’re going to sue.

The real question is ..  will we be able to play in his underwear from the start of the game? and what improvements did they make to that model? rawr

That’s really interesting because Sony owns Funimation now, thats why it got removed from VRV and they had to get HiDive to replace them.

I 100% agree with you, Orange Vanilla coke zero is my go to. I find that flavore make the coke zero taste more palatable.

I totally agree with you. It ranks way up there for me too. It was such a pleasure and a joy to play, i played almost the entire thing with a big smile on my face. Imagine that, a video game that’s fun?!

You are absolutely correct. i live in a Border town whose population consists of at least 95% Hispanics and no one refers to themselves as Latinx . . we’re all Latinos. Yes, Spanish is an engendered language, but a word doesn’t necessarily exclude a group of people just because of its spelling . This is just some term

Huh, I always thought those brothers were a reference to the ENM in FFXI, rather than an ff8 reference,

I just finished the main story quest and it was a truly epic adventure and an even more epic finale. I literaly shed tears at some point. Its been the single most rewarding story i’ve played in an MMO to date and I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it in your future logs.

There’s actually a manga that seems to cover this! Its about Reo and Mabu before the series where they encounter and adopt and infant Sara. Its called Reo to Mabu: Futari wa Sarazanmai (Reo and Mabu: We are Sarazanmai)  

This reminds me of the Chicken Wing Gyoza that Soma made in Food Wars in episode 46 of the anime.

Did anyone else shout at the TV when they had that final slowpan and closeup of Arya saying “Say her name!” I think Arya just looking into the camera,  saying Daenerys Targaryen, and then credits, would’ve been the perfect ending to the episode.

I recommend you try out the new character that they just added, Anduin. I’m having a blast with him. He’ll be familiar if you played priest in WoW or White Mage in FFXIV. His trait is so much fun, since you’re able to yank other teammates to your position, just like rescue in ffxiv!

Now playing

They did an awesome job, but i’ve always been partial to the brental floss version

It was actually explained that the hosts in Shogun world would switch languages depending on the guests preferred speaking language and that because of the “glitches” that the hosts are experiencing, they’re staying in Japanese mode and not switching to english.

That’s what i did too! and I made sure the little girl was there to keep up the love triangle in the fish market. I’m a monster.

Have you tried out Eureka in ff14? If you want a nostalgia trip back in FFXI that will give you your fix if you try to play it how ffxi was back in the days. Shouting for a group, finding leveling spot, no fast travel or mounts at the beginning, every mob there aggros you, some by sight, others by sight, some from