Heero Yuy

I absolutely felt RAGE during the whole final part. They didn't even attempt to find some alternative way of making the vaccine. Nope, they just unilaterally agreed to cut her head open and put her brain in a blender, so to speak. All choice was taken away from Ellie, she was unconscious and drugged the entire time.

Oh I wasn't disputing your statement at all, just throwing it out there that the Vita has it and the PS4 is sure to get it as well. That's all.

The Vita has gross game/group chat. The only reason the PS3 couldn't manage it was because of their way their RAM was setup (not unified) so i'm pretty sure the PS4 will have group/partychat, etc, considering they showed it off in the many videos in the PS4 reveal.

Considering Ellie looks 100% like me, I fully grant all rights to Naughty Dog to use my likeness, problem solved!

Last time I checked Vancouver is in Canada. #trollfail

Villager and WiiFit Trainer Girl . . nuff said.

Bump of Chicken . . that's just awesome. I loved them since I was first introduced to them through the Tales of Abyss anime opening.

They can also pay capcom 100 million dollars for Monster Hunter: Tri Quad One Ultimate Hunter edition exclusive. God knows how Japan goes crazy for those games.

I think they should have stayed the course. Perhaps if I had seen the value at a later date of the vision they were trying to get across, I would have bought it eventually, but this new move gives me little incentive at the moment.

That sounds surprisingly like Gamefly! (which I love btw) Except well its not digital.

Nintendo Games: now with 15% new gameplay elements!

Well there was no mention of any bars being connected with e3, they're just bars after all, so you are wrong there, they are not professional environments. I do concede the party point, if it was an industry related party then yes, professionalism does extend there.

Except the majority of the incidents did not occur in the professional environment of e3. They occurred in bars and parties. The security guard was not party of the industry either. And the other two incidents although a bit awkward were nowhere near a big a deal. Its pretty obvious that the "fashion forward" victims

I agree with you. Nintendo games might be for for a couple of hours but there is no way i'm paying a "Nintendo Tax" just to play their "yet another version of" games. People just get these nostalgia glasses when they look at nintendo and think they can do no wrong. Nintendo isn't struggling? they stopped paying

Unfortunately, Rev3Games has just confirmed that there will be NO crossplatform play for Super Smash Brothers.

Rev3Games has recently confirmed that there will be NO cross platform play for Super Smash Brothers. Bummer

I suppose its because they want to make it cross play compatible with the WiiU so both versions would have to be identical, like how Sony did with PS Battle Royale,

Sony, balls in your court, pick them up and make it exclusive to PS4.

Personally I wouldn't because of the consequences, but lets say in a year they release a special pikachu edition of the Wii U with a custom skin, etc. There have been articles on Kotaku where people have done that and lost content. We all love instant gratification and if it doesn't work, returning it and getting a

This is something I hope so as well, and at the time it didn't even cross my mind that they did that to allow cross platform play between the two just like PS Battle Royale did with the PS3 and the Vita.