Its 60 on Amazon.…
Its 60 on Amazon.…
Actually its just a bit over 4 dollars a month, since a year of PS+ costs 50 dollars as opposed to 60 for Xbox Live. In addition to, sometimes Sony offers 3 months free if you subscribe for a year, or some other bonus. I already have like 2 years of Plus that I have just for the games that come with the service, so…
I would love a Space Battleship Yamato game.
Thats true, however unlike nintendo systems, 3rd parties always release well on sony systems, especially since most games are always multi console anyways. So maybe if gamestop doesn't sell used or trade, people would prefer to get the PS4 versions instead, especially since at this point there's going to be no used…
I'm wondering what the consequences would be if Gamestop refused to sell the Xbox One and Xbox One games. Like what Amazon decided to do with the whole 3DS fiasco. Like it or not Gamestop is a huge video games retailer, so would the PS4 be better off if it has an exclusive retailer like gamestop only selling their…
Well that was true of this generation, certainly because the PS3 was hard to program for for various reason (different architecture, non-unified ram, etc). The big messege about the PS4 is that Sony learned from that and went to developers to get their input on creating the PS4, so the PS4 should be much easier to…
Yes I am indeed stupid! I admitted it, you are right, and I am wrong, despite your complete lack of evidence to the contrary. They showed the specs for a mere 10 seconds, i guess that is all about the hardware. Enjoy your Tivo Fantasy. I shall no longer bother replying since I am so stupid and you are so wise to point…
haha too true! I had no idea changing channels was so exciting!
I think this is it exactly. This is Microsoft playing damage control. Its amazing that they left out this tiny little piece of information in their BIG REVEAL They obviously didn't want anyone to know, but now the cat's out of the bag and they have to play it down.
Yes i'm stupid I want a GAME console to concentrate on being a GAME console . . thank you for letting me see the light of my stupid ways. How dare I wish to play silly little games on my game console. I defer to you and your infinite wisdom and your macho manly ways.
Really now? and where did they tell EVERYONE it wasn't about games? because if it were such an announcement, and with lack of proof, then i'm sure there wouldn't be such a backlash. A console that isn't about games, sounds backwards to me. This is not hard to understand either.
Huzzah! I hope that too, in a environment where developers focus on games, we the gamers will always win regardless of the platform.
How is that a stupid way to look at it? Those were my initial impressions of the Xbox One. All they talked about was its media capabilities for a good 40 minutes straight. Considering this a games console, perhaps if they would have shown a plethora of games, then perhaps I wouldn't have had the initial feeling that…
I was really disappointed as well. I was looking forward to this as well, after the PS4 reveal. I wanted to know many things about what they were going to do with their online service, or maybe learn about some new exclusives, etc. I think its neat that they're trying to combine all the boxes into one, but the people…
I have to say that all the voice commands did have a "cool" initial factor to it, where you go, "neat!" but then comes the realization that most people will do that for a little bit and then the cool factor will wear out and you're going to go back to games. This reveal was very lacking in information, They didn't…
The playing of DVD's wasn't as prominent as this, at least games were still shown. Futhermore the PS2 was for a vast majority of people their first and one of the cheapest DVD players when it came out. The same happened with the PS3, once the price went down it was one of the cheapest and best Blu-Ray players.…
Watching the new xbox reveal, I find myself thinking am I seeing the next generation of console? or the next generation of Tivo . . that also happens to play games.
You should player TERA, I love the High Elf Male look, slender and pretty, and there are big burly bears of men for people that like that too.
Unfortunately my penmanship was crap and this didn't help it any, so unfortunately it seems to have backfired in the end. Thank god for computers.
Down in my hood, we taped pencils together with a rubber band yo. Still this is pretty neat. I remember doing something similar when I went to school in the 90's.