Heero Yuy

Kotaku has already made its decision, just look at all the hate posts.

The Wii U is not a next gen system, its a current gen system graphicaly, hence why you have a bunch of ports that look even worse than the originals, despite the wii u having more ram than the ps3 or xbox 360.

You know, PS3 games can be released after the PS4 comes out. Shocking I know . . some great PS2 games came out after the PS3, so I don't know what the big deal is.

I think it also seems to stem from the type of writing that is found on this site. Everything is meant to be inflammatory and polarizing. 2 articles about the "huge" controversy of there not being any women on stage! seriously?

whyyyyyy, now I can't un-see that image!

I guess this female yelling about sexism prefers to support a company like Nintendo which also does not have any women presenters at their press events and instead uses them as living kiosks with 3DS systems attached to them.

First impression I got when I saw this game. Myst: Moe edition!

Indeed, and don't forget that new star wars ip as well. This next generation of consoles might have the strongest launch titles to date (especially if you consider the 6 months launch windows nintendo like to talk about)

Unfortunately you are 100% wrong, it is not considered an investment, you are not entering a legal contract, you are risking your money to back something you believe in. That you get anything at all is a bonus.

Yeah because Sony is totally responsible for what 3rd parties do.

right, not like that other system with a 70 dollar price drop 4 months in

His comment must have hit really close to home, ne?

Totally agree with you. What has he done lately? I'd judge him by the entirety of his work, not just by 1 game he made over a decade ago. I hardly see epic mickey as thought provoking and highbrow as he thinks games should be.

Anthony Burch should get have some integrity and stand behind the characters he wrote/created. This is why most people should avoid the peanut gallery that is social media.

Mirai Nikki was ok until halfways in then it jumped the shark and became utter shit.

Hmm so you mean that they should invest in new things.. like the udraw tablet.. HMMMM

Very doubtful, studies have shown that in 90% of the situations the person carrying a concealed firearm won't even be able to get it out of their pants, shirt, holster whatever to actually do anything with it. I really doubt that if a "responsible citizen" had a gun they would have made any difference, probably just

World of Warcraft should have won in my opinion. It was a much more influential game than Half Life 2 ever was, and it continues to be played whereas Half Life 2.. well.. episode 3 is vaporware at this point in time. If anything, I think HL2 got the win simply because of Steam. And while Steam is a very big deal, I

"I thought we put the stupid "can games be art" thing to rest when games critic John Brindle revealed that games can never be art so long as games fail to embrace flaccid penises."

You sir, are a moron,