Hector the Well Ann Dowd

Starring Dylan McDermott as Green Screen

American Horror Story: The A.V. Club Comments Section

They're all Avril Lavigne.

Stuff like this is why the "NO JOKES" policy was invented.

God, I feel so bad for that jack russell with the mohawk.

Stranger has disconnected.

I was ready to post an almost identically-worded comment. It might be because I'm 17, but Jem and the Holograms just doesn't sound like an actual thing.

Ice Age 11: Remember When There Were Human Beings In this Universe?

Yes, but, I mean, if I had to choose one on those grounds.

Some nerds, I assume, are good people.

Well, I can't say I wouldn't be more inclined to watch a Disney/Pixar animated film than a Fox/Blue Sky one.

Great Job, Internet!
tries, fails to pander

"There's an unexpected . . . depiction . . . of British intelligence . . . outing . . . Bond[,] allowing for another round of . . . curious . . . waxing . . . pleasures[.]"

Oh, Gone Girl is exploitation for sure, but my response to anyone who thinks it's just exploitation will always be: watch it again. And if you still haven't changed your mind, watch it again and again. At some point, it will click, and it will be worth it.

Season 1 of The Simpsons was truly its own thing, and it was great.

Also, that fucking scene where Snow White runs through the woods and everything seemingly wants to kill her.

Well, I don't think it qualifies as "children's entertainment."

So, we learned two new things today: that Hollywood is racist, and that the people behind Transformers are douchebags.

Well, that's not quite what I felt like doing to him when I saw The Falt in Our Stars, but I guess it's a valid reaction.

What is the A.V. Club's opinion on Ansel Elgort?