Hector the Well Ann Dowd

The '90s were weird.

Disagree. She's just limited and inexpressive, whereas Goode is actively wrong for the part.

Someone shared the news on my Facebook wall, and people in the comments were going insane, praising the Lord, crying, saying it was going to be all kinds of awesome, etc. It was at that point that I first understood what geek arrogance feels like.

I do think Watchmen could make for a sensational, one-of-a-kind prestige-type drama if handed to someone who knew what they were doing, had the vision to translate the novel's ethos to television format and loved the material for its brilliance rather than its surface-level coolness.

I meant something where she's the one at the center of the action. I mean, it worked with Liam Neeson; I don't see why it couldn't work with her.

An action film maybe?

Well, he was kind of nominated for an Oscar a few months ago…

It's not a gimmick account, actually. I just don't normally get to watch TV episodes until weeks after they get released in the US, and I thought it would be pathetic to constantly show up late to threads without demonstrating some self-awareness.

Odds are, it will turn out to be a good mobile game that people will endlessly complain about without playing.

Alright, alright, nevermind, it was just a silly joke. I don't even know anything about Tesla.

I don't know why I'm surprised that there are Tesla haters on this website.

Kick-Ass is really not that bad if you can get past the fascist undertones.

Amen. I mean, he's still only forty, and folks like John Goodman and Jim Carrey have never even been nominated.

I agree that Birdman's win was more for the technical stunt than for the actual photography, but come on, Gravity was a game-changer. Even if it didn't have all those long shots, the way they set the camera free from an axis and just let it freewheel around the action was unlike anything attempted by a D.P. before,

It's funny because I used to get Wright's Scott Pilgrim and Vaughn's own Kick-Ass mixed up all the time.

I hope they get Matthew Vaughn to direct season 3 of True Detective, so that we're treated to the amusingly logical progression of

I actually thought Ida was robbed. Either way, that category was a fucking murderers' row last year.

I bet his favorite movie of 2014 was Whiplash. You know, for the wrong reasons.

It's a shame it didn't connect with you, because I found it to be maybe the most fully-realized biopic I've ever seen. It was every bit as transporting as Boyhood in my book, and I adored Boyhood.

Also, Ricki and the Flash.