If the first episode of "Black Mirror" made you disgusted with human beings, the following episodes might make you go on a killing spree.
I finally saw "The Imitation Game." It was my least favorite of the Best Picture nominees by far (I have yet to see "Selma" and "American Sniper"), but it made both of my casually homophobic parents cry, so I'm glad we watched it.
I wish I had your sense of humor.
Is there anybody else out there who really, really loved Ratatouille?
Here's some money. Go see a star war.
…a galaxy far, far away (Brazil)…
Okay, so I googled "stalin hitler mao" and I swear to goodness, this came up. http://goo.gl/MUBaZK
Why does Stalin, the largest tyrant, not simply eat the other five?
I can't believe I came late to this particular thread. It was the opportunity of a lifetime!
You don't. That's exactly their plan.
Wow. His childhood was so awful that for a second there I thought this post couldn't be serious. We really ought to cut him some slack on this matter.
I haven't read it, but, from what I can gather, the dad didn't tell his kids exactly what could happen so they wouldn't freak out, or something.
The only way to make an interesting film adaptation of The Jaunt is (SORT-OF SPOILER) to go for broke and make a five-trillion-hour film. Otherwise, I'm not interested.
Lilo & Stitch is more than 10 years old?
Okay, I noticed this with regard to Tangled, Frozen and Big Hero 6 (because seriously, the girls in those movies are all long-lost sisters), but stretching this out to include almost every CGI Disney and Pixar movie on the grounds that they all have somewhat similar noses may be taking it a bit too far. I mean, we can…
Oh, man. This trailer was just wonderful. The previous promotional material for this wasn't that great but now I'm completely sold. June 19 can't come soon enough.
Oh, is that so, smart-ass? Because here's the thing, I don't really see the problem in what I wrote. I mean, I'm sure you have plenty of compelling arguments to defend the idea that awful people just don't get away with their awfulness in real life or whatever the hell else your point is, but I, for one, might not be…
…is it too early to start defending Cloud Atlas?
A remake with only Mila Kunis's character as a muppet might also be really funny.