Fuck you, fuck you, fuuuuuuuuuuuck you. I am not “hysterical” though it’s really, REALLY goddamn fitting that you’d use that term in this situation. It says a lot. I am FUCKING MAD. Know the goddamn difference. And yes, you ARE normalizing this behavior by basically saying it’s no big deal. It’s no big deal to make a…
There is nothing wrong with complimenting a woman’s beauty if that woman is your wife or girlfriend.
I was never really invested in my rights as a woman when I was younger. I felt like some men were pigs and deviants (rapists, cat callers and the like), but that the overwhelming majority of people were good. I knew a lot of powerful women through my family and friends (business owners, cops and the like) and felt…
Fuck you for normalizing the disrespectful, sleazy and unacceptable treatment of women. For real. Don’t tell me that my daughter will be just fine. Your TOTAL lack of concern over this proves exactly otherwise.
I was trying to think of any circumstance in which a man to whom I’m not personally close could compliment me physically without it feeling creepy (or like a come on) and I honestly cannot.
This was exactly my thought. This is the move every woman is intimately familiar with, the move you make towards your female friend when her boyfriend starts leching on you at the club.
Agreed, but that would mean Donald would have to give a modicum of thought outside of how to fleece or fuck her. Those are the only two things he cares about.
Just say “It’s lovely to meet you, can’t wait to get a chance to chat over dinner and see some of Paris”.
I can’t. I can’t make jokes about this, or find it funny, or think “oh jeez THIS guy” or any of that fucking bullshit. Because at the end of the motherfucking day, I am raising my daughter in a world that is REGRESSING instead of PROGRESSING in terms of women’s rights and that makes me fucking sick to my stomach. It…
I am just so embarrassed.
Whatever goes on during hazing week (or punch week, or whatever)–followed by heavy underage drinking every other…
This should hit close to home to all artists — since even the most successful in the modern art world are at the mercy of people who largely do not understand art and do not appreciate the mental effort and exhaustion that can come from birthing it.
I’m just saying, this kind of thing never happens at a steakhouse.
When Sense8, Netflix’s sci-fi drama created by Lana and Lilly Wachowski, was abruptly canceled earlier this month…
I love this blog, but it was only a matter of time before someone’s feelings got hurt and ruined all our fun!
For some reason “an art” gets me every time. I can’t stop giggling.
She is seriously straight up brilliant. Her more educational pieces are fascinating, but her mockery is something Rabelais would cherish.