
So she can immediately put up ads for “Buy Ivaka’s Inaugural Gown” 

The day after the election, I asked my husband, “Deep Creek or Rehoboth Beach?” We’re going for the beach.

Sadly, he’s on the Board of Ed in Buffalo, was the GOP nom for NY Gov in 2010 and was trump’s NY chairman. He is the face of the GOP in NY and Buffalo.

Or a possum bites him in the ass and he dies of rabies.

My, that’s some extreme economic anxiety!

I’ve always found his tweets sound like they were written by a 10yo mean boy who didn’t get his way. “They’re stupid and ugly and EVERYBODY HATES THEM!!!!”

They’re right here on this thread--sniffing about how unfunny the movie was (like they even saw it). Well, I don’t care--I loved it.

I wish I could bring this comment out of the grays.

I loved it, too! I’m not holding out much hope for a sequel, but it will be a treat to see the extended version.

Damn you! Now I have to subscribe to another freaking podcast.

You guys need to retract this headline. Seriously, this is embarrassing.

I know. Sad!

Thank you! That is a disgustingly ridiculous headline. Jesus Christ. This isn’t supposed to be Breitbart. Is it? IS IT?

My mom can be really annoying but, I’m gonna give her a call and thank her for not being that mom.

You are welcome in my world. I don’t read either of those and I don’t have cable. Bliss.

Didn’t she foist the fake-leaked “celebrity sex tape” on us? Maybe even reality tv? And the Kardashians!? Ugh. Our popular culture kind of sucks.

At this rate, the aliens aren’t even going to want to invade us.

That’s a cute hat, too bad you had to burn it.

They have those in Kentucky. Tim. Farking. Hortons. in. Ken. Farking. Tucky.