
Poutine in the east and nanaimo bars in the west. It’s diabolical!


I want to hear the “Secret Canadian” theme song!

Oh, yeah? I live over 400 miles from the border and I can think of at least four restaurants nearby that serve poutine. It’s taking over, I tells ya!

Why not the NORTHERN BORDER and stop the flow of poutine into this country?

Trump’s reaction tells me that he has repeated ever scintilla of classified information he was given to every single person in his family.

He’s definitely going on my Dead Pool list.

It the whole reality TV thing about done already? It says to the public, “Hey, it’s OK to be boring and stupid! We’ll pay you money!”

I think it’s primarily the 3rd item. He just doesn’t care and he can’t think 1-3 steps ahead about the results of his actions. It never occurred to him that having the baby in the photo would be a problem.

I suspect Huma didn’t have much difficulty coming to this decision. She’s probably overlooked a lot of things the public knows nothing about, but this...ugh.

Sort of a BTK type, excluding the press taunting.

That’s why I won’t do the fingerprint scan on my phone—what if I decide I want to murder someone someday? Sheesh.

Me, neither. I love her look—subtle makeup really works for her and I appreciate seeing someone famous looking like she has a real human face. So tired of the troweled-on look.

I pity the people who have to look at him in person every day. Ew, someone has to breathe air with him. Coughhhh...

I can’t figure out why the Ghostbusters movie infuriated the tiny dick brigade to such an extent. It was a fun movie and the old movie is still there if you want to see it.

I’m quite certain the feeling would be mutual.


Oh, like you haven’t made rage art, Bobby.

“They’re homely, they’re simple, and they’re about to reproduce!”