Not to be Negative Nancy, but sometimes I think about seeing a cop not doing shit, I wonder if he’s ever thought about investing his time pulling over those who are not wearing their seatbelt.
Not to be Negative Nancy, but sometimes I think about seeing a cop not doing shit, I wonder if he’s ever thought about investing his time pulling over those who are not wearing their seatbelt.
Someone will hedge big. If they took those deposits on leases, not even full purchases, than this entire ordeal will be based upon a line of credit before they even produce. That never works quite the way anyone wants it to.
Will someone actually drive this thing and allow themselves to think “I wonder if the ice is cracking,” because I’m not at all doubting the ice is already cracked.
A lot just happened in my pants. I’d take it but with a nice white and no S shit.
PSA to all who didn’t even click the eBay link to check it out. First of all, it’s sold obviously. Secondly, they did honestly list on eBay that it came with a Flood/Water Damage title. Most importantly, if you read the description, you’ll notice where it says Front tires 80%, rears 50% (life left.) To anyone who was…
Actually this image does make it look like there’s a fish eye lens over that rear quarter. It’s not that pronounced in real life, and I know these wheels—much larger looking in real life.
I hate to tell you, but I think that MINI’s recently have slid on sales because they’re not priced right. They’re very fucking expensive. They always had a premium to them, but when you compare them to what else is out nowadays, they haven’t exactly added more value for the money.
Hm—if they translate it’s lines as perfectly as Lincoln did on the new Continental, then maybe we can chat! BTW Kristen, I’m so sorry I still have my image as you riding in that boat, but I haven’t come across anything better yet.
Mercedes has always had terrible seats in the E Class. I haven’t sat in the latest one, but geez even just looking through the windows on a 2015 made me cringe. Even from here, just seeing how squared off they are makes me cringe.
The night’s dedicated to Maybach with a car most think is an insult to the legacy of Maybach, and yet the logo on the background wall is smaller than the hood of the car. Too perfect.
that’s what I’ve always thought a CLA looks like..
It could mean a lot less clicks on sites like Jalopnik if such sites don’t begin to drop their anti-Trump rhetoric and replace it with more of the normal car talk. The fuck already...?
Holy historical name. Dennis should never let go of his stake and should continue to participate in F1 in any way he can. He has too many intuitions to just quit and not be involved, giving back.
They don’t want you to have that black plastic on the steering wheel.
I completely disagree. To me, the most important missing standard feature is steering wheel controls. It blows my mind.
Perfect “Linden, New Jersey” picture I took headed out of Newark one day.
Used to have that attitude, but then remembered that’s the reason I wash and wax in the first place
Lol at everyone thinking they hear rumble through their laptop speakers lololololololol
He doesn’t have any pics of the Benz’s they left at basecamp? I’m sure those didn’t make it back.