1. The story is not “centered” on two white dudes. Mark is an incidental character who connects the rest of the stories.
1. The story is not “centered” on two white dudes. Mark is an incidental character who connects the rest of the stories.
So YOU’RE the other person who played Lunar II. Nice to meet you.
There’s plenty of Nazi narrative in the original Suspiria. Having not yet seen Guadagigno’s version I can’t speak as to whether he’s enhanced that aspect of the original, but it is something that must be understood and acknowledged about the original film. Argento is very heavy-handed with the Nazi imagery in places.
Don’t assume that this is not happening. It would be more surprising if landing in digital jail didn’t drag down your Social Credit score.
Welcome to our post-Toys R Us world, where retail outlets can get pushed around to serve the digital-only agenda. Best Buy, Walmart and GameStop will get their copies on time only because you must have some physical distribution to meet sales targets and keep the shareholders happy.
Hmmm. This is a very good observation worth some discussion. I’d argue that what you say is 100% true for confirmed Catholics. If you got that much indoctrination as a child, you can only free yourself of it with tremendous work as an adult.
Round One has locations in the United States and is constantly expanding. They’ve got one on Long Island. Typically they move into near-abandoned malls where the rent is cheap.
That word is ubiquitous in my world, but I’m surrounded by writers.
...aaaaaaaaaand not a giallo in sight. Worst. October. Ever. This is why I will forever own physical media.
Disappointed to be this far in and no one has brought up Revenge of the Nerds.
Visual artists have been borrowing from each other since the days of Renoir (pick your fave!). I think this is going to be very difficult to prove, given that history.
Not true. YouTube can still make money on “Related Videos” that run alongside this content.
All clearly a big misunderstanding. This parent simply needed something for the kids to do after half of Andover blew up last Thursday, so he went to the mall to get them portable game consoles. He couldn’t use his ATM card, because they shut the power off in Andover after half the town blew up.
There’s some industrial grade dumb circling the drain in this thread.
Pretty sure I spent 21 hours just on Chocobo races and getting a Gold Chocobo on my last playthrough. That music still haunts my nightmares.
Massachusetts 8th is one of the goofier districts in the state. It’s shaped like a Gyarados mostly so that it avoids the wealthiest communities in the area. Very white, very blue collar, very Catholic. Stephen Lynch isn’t going anywhere, and Wu isn’t winning any votes showing up in Brockton in a Porsche. This is the…
Yes! Let’s applaud suicide, because that’s a good thing.
Your last paragraph illustrates the problem and the solution. Yes, we want NES and SNES classic. Yes, Nintendo wants to make money from those. Yes, Nintendo may feel that sales fall short on these projects (and Virtual Console) because the games are free online.
The first call was textbook. Runner is already tackled when Onwuasor comes flying in helmet first. The Correa call is also legit, as you can clearly see him drop his head before he initiates contact.
As long as we’re on the Disney train, where’s Tron? The most extensive use of computer graphics and green screen for its time.