Earthbound. Ness is from Earthbound. Or Mother, if you prefer. That could have slipped by if you didn’t try to drop Pokemon references like a pro.
Earthbound. Ness is from Earthbound. Or Mother, if you prefer. That could have slipped by if you didn’t try to drop Pokemon references like a pro.
If they’re smart about it (and they’re likely not), they’ll design new consoles to have swappable components, inlcuding RAM and GPUs. I think most console owners (myself included) wouldn’t mind buying and swapping out a GPU every couple of years rather than buying an entirely new console.
Millennials are so cute when they try to talk about the 1980s like they know what was going on. Here’s some actual context from someone who was there.
Soooooooo...are they going to actually fix the bug that causes Nick Valentine to disappear from the game, or are people going to drop $25 on this only to find out they need to start over?
Not a problem for PC gamers, but a big concern if you’ve hit this bug on console.
I’ve actually managed to get Marcy to lighten up. She said something along the lines of, “It’s brutal out here but it’s getting better,” when I talked to her last night.
I’ve got her in Sanctuary, population 23, with the following:
There’s only about three hours of story in Automatron. It’s not deep, but there’s some good Fallout storytelling along the way that gives a lot of insight into the Robobrains. If you’re the type to blast through an area and skip all the terminals and surroundings, you can easily miss it and knock down the DLC in an…