I’m assuming that a tech YouTuber would have backups of all his old videos, so you’ll probably be able to view them again eventually even if YouTube can’t undo the damage.
I’m assuming that a tech YouTuber would have backups of all his old videos, so you’ll probably be able to view them again eventually even if YouTube can’t undo the damage.
No, it’s roblox. The make-your-own-game-within-a-game that’s almost as popular as fortnite is. fornite is going after roblox by becoming roblox.
I think people coming down hard on this are missing the big picture. This isn’t a “okay we want fortnite more” step by Epic, this is a “Let’s get people into our editing ecosystem and stay there”. I’m 100% certain we’ll see a story in less than a decade of a younger person being interviewed about their smash-hit indie…
I had honestly forgotten about the domestic abuse allegations, I thought most of his being “canceled” was on the basis of the number of inappropriate texts with an underage fan (which then prompted other similar texts and DMs to be released).
Then MS can also create one themselves.
I mean, it’s exactly that. Exclusivity for everything has always been their plan; there was literally no reason to buy up all the IP otherwise; this is just execs getting pissed off that they’re not getting their way instantaneously and saying the quiet part out loud because for the first time in probably decades…
It certainly does seem that way. Not surprising that’s their plan, but it is surprising they’d all but admit that they’re just doing these agreements to drive the deal forward, and not for the altruistic reasons they’ve attempted to convince people of.
This seems like a tacit admission on MS’ part that after the 10 year guarantees they’re signing to try and get the deal across the finish line expire, they are in fact going to do all the things that people are afraid they’re going to do (Xbox exclusivity for COD, etc.)?
Exactly, preservation is keeping them safe so that they don’t become lost media. If someone had kept copies of all the film reels for a movie theater from the 1910's people would be jumping for joy today because of the number of lost films no longer lost. This insures that most of the 3ds/wii u libraries are not going…
Title promises bloopers, we get 1 sort of blooper and a bunch of unrelated instagram posts. Sheesh.
I think their point is more so that Ellie is even more of a victim, not the Fireflies are the heroes here.
Phrasing it as a bailout in general is also off: the Fed caused the current problems by cratering the value of Treasury securities by raising the interest rate by almost 5% in a year, despite having lowered said rate in response to Covid.
That would be an entirely different scenario.
Yeah, this topic has way too much nuance for Kotaku to cover, at all. But using flimsy pretexts to write articles about the hottest topic on twitter is pretty much the job description at gawker. At least, when there’s not actually relevant news making headlines.
You should probably add that the FDIC has said that the cost of this bailout will be paid for the banking sector as a whole through a special assessment (i.e. higher FDIC insurance costs), not by the taxpayers. That makes it different from the 2008 bailouts.
Marlene’s explanation of Ellie’s ‘gift’ is that within her is something that makes the fungus think she is one of them, but this isn’t true: she’s been attacked multiple times by zombies. Either she’s lying to Joel for whatever reason or her information is bad, I’m not certain.
I’ll reiterate what I said on your last hot-take article (https://kotaku.com/1850018529) that we see what we want to see. I most definitely didn’t see Joel as a protector in the show and I found this ending more middle ground between selfish and caring than I did the game. In the game I felt Joel was justified. Here…
Gonna be honest, this is a pretty wild read that makes me think the division caused by the ending will not be mitigated at all. Because to me, I was thinking during the finale: “Wow Joel comes off even worse here than in the game.” Especially because the show, for the most part, has avoided Joel being depicted as a…
The roller-coaster at the end of the universe.
It’s weird because growing up in Asia in the 90s, the term “JRPG” was a praise and has always meant a stamp of quality.