I’m a straight, white, conservative male living in Trumps America.
Who is “we”?
Well, you took me seriously enough to not only read my comment, but then respond as well.
Fuck yeah I am.
It’s “site”, not “sight” you ignorant fuck.
I couldn’t agree more!
If she wanted to protect her kids, maybe she should have gotten a fucking job.
So get the fuck out of “this country”.
Yeah, whipping out another ghetto whore is a “fucking travesty”.
Who the fuck should respect some dumb ghetto whore who had four fucking kids and gets pregnant AGAIN?!?
Since when did spics fear muslims?
The guy that killed her is a spic you stupid fuck.
I didn’t realize spics hated muslims.
Kill yourself, that’ll help.
Probably because you look like a fucking faggot.