
So race targeting by police is worldwide?

...but two Wongs don’t make a White.

Oh come on. Are you serious?

Anonymous tipsters just told ESPN that Malzahn is just using the drunkenness as an excuse. The school discovered over the off season that he was actually two small men, Brad and Alex Wong, standing on each others shoulders.

“Welp, so much for White privilege.”

We haven’t lost a battle since 1945. The “war” part you’d have to talk to the politicians about.

Ugh. Typical glory boy. You play for the name on the FRONT of your jersey!

I come here to laugh and shake my head...why are you here? To get your hivemind talking points for the day?

Are you serious? I’m just some dude trying to make it through the day. I struggle to pay my bills and be happy just like everyone else. I love everybody, regardless of any man made socially distinguished differences. Yet, I’m lumped in with scum. Automatically. Because of the skin that i was born into. No, it wasn’t

Don’t bother. Gawker was apparently not white-guilty enough, so they started The Root and now there’s this vertical that exists for no reason other than to shout “WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE DEVIL” and to invite “woke” white people to come in and say “yes, we are. I’m sorry for that.”

Seriously fuck you and the fuck the trajectory of the recommended content. These people represent a fringe, but the constant insinuation that white people are somehow ethically worse than other races by the left is emboldening them and creating an environment where this ideology is more enticing. I can’t read

Nope, the entire premise is bullshit. First of all, the racist protesters are fringe, but that doesn’t men they are rare or unique. They are the small tail of the bell curve, clearly fringe. They are wrong and small-minded and afraid and ignorant. They are small in number, compared to the reasonable Americans, but not

If you want to drive yourself nuts, keep trying to please these people. They hate you and always will. Are you new here? The root? Literally every article/comment section is how shitty white people are. Move on with your life and enjoy yourself!

“They are everywhere.”

“And for the white people who believe they’ve done enough, who believe their hands are washed, they’re at your kitchen tables and happy hours and bbqs and weddings. They’re in your families. They’re on your couches. They’re on your T-Mobile family plans. They’re in your beds.”

You have no idea what you’re talking about. Neil deMause is one of the best-respected writers in the U.S. on the subject of franchise economics and stadium finance. He’s been covering this subject for decades, in greater detail than just about anyone. His book, Field of Schemes, was on the leading edge of covering the

A lot of these Title IX departments are just kangaroo courts run by ardent feminists who are more concerned with pushing an agenda than facts or justice. Shocker, I know.

Believe the victim! (unless the victim is telling you she isn’t a victim, then don’t trust her!)

Or he’s willing to take Katz, the alleged victim, at her word. Doesn’t seem too crazy to me...

What a joke... In an effort to protect women from sexual assault, oftentimes Title IX denies that they have any agency over their own decisions/actions. “Oh, he didn’t assault you? You’re just scared of him. We’ll kick him out of school just to be safe.”