Or, hell, a place like Japan where a person of Korean descent can be seen as being not truly Japanese generations after their family immigrated. Or go to African countries where tribal differences are seen as enough to discriminate.
Or, hell, a place like Japan where a person of Korean descent can be seen as being not truly Japanese generations after their family immigrated. Or go to African countries where tribal differences are seen as enough to discriminate.
Ties are a tool of the devil. They should go the way of powdered wigs.
They make reversible ties? How do they keep the clip from showing?
But you don’t understand, they are Black.
So riding these bikes through the city is illegal, but the police trying to stop the event are the bad guys?
This has been going for years in Baltimore and Philly. Connecting it to Freddie Gray is stupid both for the subjects of the article and the author. Also, it is far from a benign activity. They most certainly do not use hand signals (at least in my experience). It’s usually a 14 year old helmetless kid doing a 50 mph…
Also her definition of fat is size 6 with big tits, so don't get too excited.
and libs dont use the term ILLEGAL immigrant. talk about glossing over facts
I don’t know what everyone else thinks, but the people who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights are smarter than 99.9999999999999% of the people who have ever lived.
What a clueless libtard you are! If you ban murder then only murderers will murder!! There’s no point in any law since criminals will ignore laws anyways! #ronpaul2012!!
By that logic, freedom of the press should only apply to people who publish old timey broadsheets on physical paper. This is the type of discussion that doesn’t help the issue - just straight up say you want to ban all guns and leave it at that. It’s more intellectually honest.
We did leave that place, that’s why they started up the raping and beheading so enthusiasctically.
Unfortunately Mohammed himself and his lieutenants took conquered women as concubines, so it’s all ok, because it’s in their books.
While, alternately, your post history is mind-boggling-douchebagery. How sad is your life that you feel the need to make such dick-bag comments all the time?
Wow this hurts.
I bet if the KKK were running around setting shit on fire in order to “draw attention to their cause”, the author of this article wouldn’t be so sympathetic.
Apparently, being black means that you can shoot police and get defended for it on the internet?
1. Open fire on police
“Police say that Harris opened fire, which they then returned. In the ensuing gunfight, somehow Harris was the only one injured. If you have the luxury of taking that story at face value, congratulations, sounds like a nice life. For the rest of us, however, we who have a cursory understanding of how the police system…