
Simple solution. The company that owns the physical layer cannot use it. They must allow anyone who wants to put light on it to do so.

I never tire of this stuff - earnest Gawkerite decrying the failures of the monopolistic model of ISP coverage...while at the same time defending the Taxi and Teachers Union monopolies...

If you’re talking about the general immigration debate, the term Undocumented Immigrants does the job better. Striving for terms that project animosity is pretty unnecessary, unproductive & asshole-ish

with the sort of anti-Clinton bias the press and media have

Incorrect in stating that the US military would put down a popular uprising - they would more likely join it for starters

I want the next harvest of them baby organs live streamed first - that should be some fun viewin

I’m all in favour of the Second Amendment,

This is not correct at all - but keep thinking this way toots

The second amendment was also written by men who could not even conceive of a semi-automatic rifle, or a handgun that’s easily concealed and can carry multiple shots.

I just enjoy it - good shorthand for typical liberal retard

Aw libtard calls someone troll - how unique

Its cute that you think this.

And TU is different from most other Universities how?

We demand diversity! Here are the Dem senators

The family wanted it released because Operation Mopey Face isn’t helping anyone

This is horrifying. Its time to turn off the internet and go look at the sky and remind ourselves the world isn’t a totally terrible place.

Yeah - nothing from teh New Testament of course

I think there is justification for this behavior in the bible as well