BRZ / GT86 people: “Hey! Wait up!”
BRZ / GT86 people: “Hey! Wait up!”
If you actually think this is a spoiler you didn’t finish S1. And maybe just stop using the internet if you’re that fragile.
Right? Guy runs over people, lets keep the focus on guns.
Would it not be more apropos to have written an article on what to do when someone is driving a truck through a crowd?
I mean, I guess I can see how we car people could be in support of investing in a depreciating asset...
Stuff like this is why HOAs shouldn’t exist.
And they don’t bitch about it like you.
Wow. Talk about a 1st world concern.
Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.
Really, it’s come to this?
The fans are just exercising the free speech rights that their ancestors ensured by losing wars.
or a gun.
Did you complain about when it happened? Did this writer? If not, then don’t complain about this. I agree with you that prior bad acts don’t condone current bad acts but don’t act like this is something new that has never happened before and feign outrage. If you or the writer complained about the example I provided,…
Meh...If I want to buy a toaster, I’ll read CR. Not influenced in any way by their weird rating systems and heresey from surveys from morons about cars.
I was driving through Durham a few weeks ago, running an errand, and I suddenly realized why the scenery looked so familiar, even though I had never travelled that road before. - It was the truck-peeling bridge! It was like seeing a celebrity in the street, although the good burghers of Durham would probably not have…
This is really upsetting to see. I mean I live in the northeast and have to drive all the way to Ohio before I see a Steak ‘n Shake and there it is just taunting me with is delicious goodness on that ad there
Surely there are easier ways to avoid playing for the Nets this year?
Man, that video is a lock for sure dread.
Because I don’t want a corvette; I want a sedan.