
I don't know that this bike is the solution, but its a good start for Harley. They need to do more of this (the 500 and 750 are also a step in the right direction). They have been making the same bike since the 60s. Very little change, other than the V-Rod, but lets face it, that's just a very small part of their

Those men were just cut from a different cloth than most of us are today. I am awestruck by their bravery and humility. The didn't do it for glory - it was a job that just had to be done. On this 70th Anniversary of D-Day - Thank You for all you did then and for what you did to shape our country in the years after.

This is why they are the greatest generation.

Did GM hire a bunch of laid off British Leland electrical designers in the early 2000s?

Probably the least surprising result ever. Here's a good question, who is more harmful, Conservative Christians (modern, no crusades) or Anti-Vaxxers?