eff no. SHOULD i have put /sarcasm after my post...?
omg i sure hope there were no children in the cars. or any other adults, for that matter.
she's going straight to hell.
the problem is, the photo on the right isn't an ad for make-up, it's an ad for photoshop. unless you're playing an alien, make-up shouldn't be like a mask or costume. it should enhance, just as it does in the photo on the left, but not cover-up what's underneath nor render the person unrecognizable. i'd bet most…
it's deadpeoplesfOOtfetish.com (caps added for emphasis)
fair, or not so fair, share. and not staring...just observing :)
too bad these really weren't his feet; if they checked them they would've known he was alive—-dead people's feet never look this good. pfft...blood pressure, pulse, breathing, pupil response...nah just check their feet.
What? No. The throttle on older cars is connected to the throttle body not the intake valve.
I'm sorry, i don't see where he mentioned anything about guessing your nationality. and unless he sells his product with the line "any true american would want this product" i dont think he cares either.
Flash benchmarks between the Playbook (tested when released on now outdated software) and Flash benchmarks on the Xoom (3.0) were identical. right around 10-12FPS when tested using Guimark.
i love my 1920X1200 monitor. it's great for just about everything.
the weather in Phoenix, and many parts of AZ and southern California are just as hostile as the weather in Iraq.
nothing to see here but a failed ASCII art attempt.
maybe i read the wrong books, but they tend to give me new things to think about.