@tekwiz: thanks.
@tekwiz: thanks.
@shadymilkman: is it worth going blind over? or blinding one of your friends?
It is a good idea! Let me just fire up uTorrent in the meantime...
this would probably make alot more sense if i had watched the movie huh?
i actually looked into this pretty heavily when i initially placed the order for my Spyder III Artic laser.
you guys broke it. thanks alot.
@7shades: Smarmy antipodean: think so.
"we hope you've enjoyed this demonstration"
@Hellkeeper: there are benefits beyond just being able to address more than 4GB of memory.
@Wrathernaut: yes.
@HC: for what its worth, when I commented no comments were present.
that thing is not a jeep.
those instructions make it near painfully obvious how easily they could have made the battery user replaceable.
@Kingteddybear: i hardly consider this guy a pedophile. the girl is 17, not 12.
@Spoony Bard: when the razr came out it was an amazing device that I assume lived up to its hype (because of its immense success)
@trunicated: Being Iron Man. When did Iron Man become a better purpose? Ever since the movies came out, Iron Man's become god or something...
@artdude102: Since he created the suit, I think he's entitled to his opinions. I don't think you'd want your creation redesigned to appease some comic book geeks.
@Komrade Kayce: I am running the beta with a netbook. It slows down sometimes but otherwise I can still get things done!
@SanjiX: I've been in the beta for close to a month now. I would talk more about the game but I signed an NDA. However, I can say that an AOE fan will not be disappointed!
@Jason Aponte: 3-4 years on mine without a single failure.