HBO CEO of Tits

Eddie Olczyk maybe?

Well, I meant John, but my statement works either way. Not Jim leaves a world of good and greatness to inhabit, as does being Not John.

Lacrosse House.

Stoller did the Five-Year-Engagement, which was a straight romantic comedy. Forgetting Sarah Marshall was pretty much the same.

I'm not going to take your word for it.

I know, why is that so weird? He's pretty darn good, but he never gets billing in the Nows You See Me and 21s Jump street of the world, despite being very prominent. Maybe they have tested him and his name stinks of nepotism to the general public at this juncture, not talent.

Exactly. Efron is the Vince Vaughn or Tim Matheson in this movie. The question that would logically follow is Dave Franco the next Jim Belushi? Signs point to no, but I like Dave Franco quite a bit. Not Jim Belushi is hardly a criticism at all.

America's Zac Efrons Got Singing is going to be the cornerstone of HBO's lineup in the near future.

Ten years is a world of difference. I routinely have to call the police about the shenanigans of those rambunctious 46-year-olds who moved in down the block.

I hope they at least gave Jason Segal a call, see if he'd want to show up again.

If Downtown Abbey has taught me anything, there is surely some cousin out there in line for the throne.

HItchhiker's Guide books, Song of Ice and Fire, then a bunch of Chabon and Faulkner. As I Lay Dying and Yiddish Policeman's Union.

I used to follow the million dollar arms' kids' — Rinku and Dinesh— blog. It was mostly about their love of mediocre action movies, like Rush Hour 2 and Romeo Must Die. Their English was not super great, so it was highly amusing.

I'll have you know I fought this tooth and nail.

Or better yet, don't ever watch Factory Girl under any circumstances.

Please tell me Jim Belushi reprises his role as a grifter Santa Claus.

This man does not speak for me.

Raff the Sweetling + Lorax = Jeb Bush

Spoken like someone who has probably read The Sound and the Fury. I read it, but needed The first chapter explained to me. Who could have ever known they were playing golf? And also, its impossible to recognize a pre WWII condom wrapper logo described through a dullards eyes in this day and age.