HBO CEO of Tits

See Gypsy?

Riggins was my first thought as well.

I've belonged to American Catholic churches all my life, and have never met a Santorum supporter. From what I can tell, most American Catholics just hate birth control, love Catholic schools, and bitch about the priest's homily.

Your great-grandpappy was a goddamn hero.

As far as I know, this site has but one venerable executive of breasts. Point me to this impostor!

Soft as a woman's breasts.

Still just Tits, with some light duty in "remembering what was on the show.'

Jonah Keri and David Shoemaker are some of the best writers working today. I make no such claim to the other 95% of their content.

The Khalassar drags a naked dude that tried to kill Dany or something in season 1 until he dies.

Change of avatar can be a good thing.


As you can tell from the vast variety of tits available across all of our networks, we at HBO are committed to our performers comfort and understanding. These tits have all been filmed without incidence, and this is simply one young woman who either doesn't read, familiarize herself with the industry she is trying to

"A sexy tale of God's divine intervention."

I don't know if your claim is true or not. My tenure began in 2008. The actions of the previous regime is their business.

The English language is a living breathing organism that adapts and evolves to communication needs of it speakers. If "bosomy" can adequately convey an idea, and I would say it can, then it is absolutely a word. Anything else is for schoolmarms and Scrabble players.

We only ever use pasties, and decorative ones at that, if they are relevant to the story and then shown on screen. The character would need to be someone who would wear one, like a stripper, or a showgirl, or a Suicide Girl, or my girlfriend that one time for my birthday. We at HBO pride ourselves as being the gold

It has an Intern of Tits, yes. You may have noticed by now we at HBO don't exactly put the best minds of our generation down on Cinemax.

This just shows me how much work is left to be done.

Croquet and Professional Wrestling. And some light message board commenting.

I think I did, but this is just a test. This labrynthine bullshit is really making me think I might not like Disqus…