

I do love the style of suit though.

You had me until you mentioned children.

When people's physical person is no longer threatened on a regular basis, insults to their ego take the place of punishable acts. People don't beat their kids right.

People need that human touch of two bodies interacting with each other.

That is a nightmare come true.

I was actually expecting something furry related, but nope, this goes far beyond anything I've seen in either the ero furry or guro fandoms.

Maybe you should write about it.

She looks like a cat trying to cough up a hairball but can't quite get there...

at least where I come from.

Juxtaposing that imaging with the term "knotting"...

Triggering intensifies.

The fuck did I just watch?

Yo dawg, we never did nothin' to you!

I think that you're crazy if you think that some horny dude hasn't looked at a horse vagina and thought 'maybe I can put my dick in that'.

It's not so much misogyny than it is a seemingly universal arousal by having power over other living creatures.

At least some of the gurochan fanfics are better written then this.

That's what it is. *rolls eyes*