Tilda Swinton, similar to the tilde mark ~
Tilda Swinton, similar to the tilde mark ~
Bristol Palin needs to fuck off.
Yup. I was at that level at 3, also. Not at all unbelievable that she could have written it.
This is probably completely off topic an not in the right place. But as an angrily ambitious over-achiever / meetin haver who is ver proud about but also humble-ish.
Thankfully I don't live there. Nominating it for joe rapacious, if nothing else. My state, thankfully, is very blue :-)
Don't forget Arizona!
I’m really disappointed that ABC Family hasn’t continually gotten the recognition they’ve deserved. ESPECIALLY as they’ve branded their inclusive content under their “family" label. That has taken some (on my part, at least) well-admired guys.
Disney’s an easy target, but not only have they be on the forefront of inclusive programming on many fronts (sexuality, gender identity, persons with disabilities, “unconventional” families) but they were one of the first companies to not only offer same-sex partner benefits long before others (not in all branches, I…
They have the same parent company, and while one arm prints money pandering to the crap piles of society, the other side hedges its bets with programming. Same twat-waffles make the money. They're just covering the spread.
I’m not as nuanced or as kind as my fellow posters.
She said thank you because she thinks she can trade in this level of “persecution” to make her one with Jesus and get into heaven. What she’s missed is that Jesus didn’t get persecuted for being a bigoted asshole. Just the opposite.
Kudos to this judge who realized she’d have just crowd-sourced her fine. Also, Jesus would NOT have been on her side.
I’m sure this has long ago occurred to many others, but my old self realized tonight, just why the “we’re so persecuted” right is so dismissive of facts, kindness, and even the Jesus message of good-doing.
The easiest way to not get a DUI is to not drink and drive. Whether you blew enough to get convicted or not, you got a DUI. You shouldn’t have any vehicle, and you’re certainly not a hero for this bullshit.
Reading the Renae responses, I kept picturing that Amy lady from Kitchen Nightmares...
Oh yeah! And Zoo Bar!!
I’m there 4-5 times a year, but live in Chicago. It’s a really friendly town, and with UNL there, there are more liberals than you’d expect. Trader Joes and Whole Foods are there now, too.
That was my thought, too... Or something else related to lying down (headache, reflux). Is it happening in bed or during the evening in general?
On the database side of things, I worked for years in a role that required me to understand the basics, but the more I wanted to do with / listen to the data, the more I learned and the more I loved it. I now have several clients for whom I do a lot of heavy data projects / runs several DB servers, etc
Plus, if you saw/liked 10 Things I Hate About You, it was “inspired” by Taming of the Shrew.