Cardinal Biggles

When you think about it, I have never heard a single one of these “Christians” quote Jesus. They go Leviticus in the Old Testament, or chose Paul who never met Jesus or really followed a lot of the simple teachings of Christ, love everyone, help those less fortunate, judge not lest ye be judged, oh, and don’t forget

I was talking to a Taylor technician installing a new machine at my company (we make soft serve mixes and Dole soft serve) and asked him about this. It turns out Taylor makes the machines, but they are designed by McDonalds for McDonalds only. The machines are far more complex than the average Taylor machines, over

What an un-American attitude.

However as an Illinois resident who used a straw buyer to purchase his gun, he broke laws that he can be prosecuted for in that state, and i hope they do it. I also hope the IRS gets involved as he has received over 2 million dollars to pay for his legal fees (and his family is begging for more) which is income. he

Don’t forget Texas has passed laws stating that the Real history of Texas can’t be taught because it destroys their Mythic hero celebration of the birth of Texas. Can’t mention the Secession from Mexico was to preserve slavery, Can’t teach that Davy Crocket surrendered and was put to death, can’t tell any truths that

Thank you, now i know why Cartman has a Clyde frog stuffed animal.

Properly cooked they are quite tender and the skinny ones taste like veal, or so I was told. You know they saying: “Anyone who doesn’t like Children hasn’t had one properly cooked.”

No, he is making Mirepoix without onions. The base for most stocks and broths have a mirepoix consisting of onion, celery and carrots.

The only way to stop it is to use it effectively. The Republicans who voted for a law that won’t be enforced have enabled people to get illegal abortions in the state. Someone who gets an abortion, or knows someone who got an abortion needs to sue each person in the government who wrote, voted for or signed the bill

Maybe someone mistook a Pornhub search for a recipe search?

what about Lefsa?

Do you think he dressed up as Tipper Gore for Halloween?

Isn’t that a category on Pornhub?

an Ohio man who recently dropped out of a $34,000-a-year college and told the Wall Street Journal in September, “I’m sort of waiting for a light to come on so I figure out what to do next.”

Hitler was a young man when that happened, Trump is old and fat with the ramblings of dementia starting. Prison could kill him. Better if the Fraud cases get up to speed and he is bankrupted and serves time for a non political crime. Perhaps Scotland will step up their game and make it an extraditable offense where he

Hey, the troops are already there, what else do they have to do?

Gun rights are not established by name, only by assumption. If you follow the Federalist Papers, the 2nd amendment allows for a federal Militia manned by citizens and not mercenaries. Also, at the time, Swords, Knives, Spears and bows and arrows were still common weapons. Nowhere are guns mentioned. By your assumption

Gun rights are not established by name, only by assumption. If you follow the Federalist Papers, the 2nd amendment allows for a federal Militia manned by citizens and not mercenaries. Also, at the time, Swords, Knives, Spears and bows and arrows were still common weapons. Nowhere are guns mentioned. By your assumption

OK, Ii am an old guy. Before standardized testing in schools became a thing, we were IQ tested every few years. They never told us the scores, but they were in our records and the teachers knew what was going on. When I dropped out of college while on a free ride scholarship, my faculty advisor for the program begged

So, here’s a question, If I post “I don’t believe Donald Trump blows dead dogs for dimes.” Will I be kicked off? I mean it doesn’t say a negative because it denies the rumors, but if someone posts the traditional remark. You are right , I saw one get up and walk away.” That could perceived as a negative because it