Yeah, but until I can wear shorts to the office, I won’t be happy.
Yeah, but until I can wear shorts to the office, I won’t be happy.
Thank you for this. I too was one of the ones who was upset back in 2004 (although a quick search of the page shows I didn’t publicly post about my annoyance - phew!). These days age and perspective has changed a lot for me. And frankly I just wish people would get over it and go about living their lives more…
My frehsman year of college, I lived in a single dorm room about this size. I was miserable by the end of it. Having grown up an only child with a large chuck of the house to myself, I just couldn’t stand being contained to such a small solitary space.
Came for these. Did not leave disappointed.
This is a great take. I own a 2015 STI and also cross shopped with the Evo. And while I did find some shitty Subaru dealers that wanted to waste my time (promising a test drive to get me in the door, then reneging once I was there) none of them came close to the “let me run your credit before I show you a car” tactics…
You can now, but you couldn’t in 2015. And I think 2016 as well.
Yeah, but just wait until you have to drive out of a foot tall snow drift in the middle of winter. Being able to set the center diff to 50/50 and then rely on the LSDs at each end to properly portion the power out is pretty nice in extreme conditions. Don’t tell my wife that I really only get to see those conditions…
It makes very little business sense to mass produce a car that you don’t make a profit on. Do you have a source for your claim?
How is that not a penalty?
Agreed. The 488 Pista really isn’t a great looking car at all.
Holy shit. Did we just have a reasonable discussion over the internet? What’s the world coming to?
Fair enough then. Sounds like you’ve gotten way more out of the game at this point than I have. I think you’re maybe an outlier? LOL
Got a link to your grip?
This expansion is absurdly awesome. It’s not at all what I expected for the second expansion, but nor am I complaining. It takes a game that’s already built on some pretty absurd concepts and expands that absurdity to a logical conclusion. I got a couple of hours into the game last night and really enjoyed it.
Sounds like Forza Motorsport is more your cup of tea, then. MS has drawn a pretty well defined line between the two games in that FM has the real racetracks and FH is the less serious, open world game where the tracks are all street courses.
They’re both getting the mead. One is a bee keeper. The other makes mead. The beekeeper is giving honey to the mead maker, and they are are going to share in the output.
The Gap. I’ve got several pairs of non-cargo shorts from there. At the wife’s request of course.
People who frequently fly a route not served by Jet Blue, Delta, or Alaskan? And Southwest just has shitty routing - what is a 1:30 direct flight on AA is a minimum 5:30 flight on WN. So yeah... I fly AA. Begrudgingly.
So, just to set the stage, what you’re talking about may have been a traditional Forza Motorsport game instead of a Forza Horizon game. They are two distinctly different types of games in the same franchise. Forza Motorsport is more of a racing-sim type game whereas the Horizon series is more of an arcade racer type…