A really long display name that indicates I like cars.

Along a similar vein, I am currently in the search for a new place to live. I want a three car garage (#becauseracecar), but there aren’t a lot in my area in my price range. In fact, there is exactly one on the market for $349,999, but the city or neighborhood (or just this house?) has some sort of stipulation that

There are actually very legitimate uses for number spoofing, and because of this it is both easy and legal. Example, I used to work for a hospital company. So while doctors, nurses, etc. may have had direct dial numbers, patients who called in needed to be directed to the main line so that their call could be routed

Hah! This has happened to me too. Another time, it was some random angry dude threatening violence against me if I didn’t stop calling him. I probably could have reported that one to the police, but I don’t even live in the area code where my cell phone resides anymore.

Hah! In my state, CCL carriers have to carry their gun on their person or in a locked compartment that’s inaccessible from the passenger cabin - traditionally this has meant the trunk. Anywhere that’s in the cabin but still accessible is not sufficient. It’s likely this safe would provide ample opportunity for an

The TV reset thing is pretty common in a lot of hotels anyway, even without this stupid key card light switch thing.

Or lives somewhere where the local pizza is basically cardboard with some toppings. What I wouldn’t give to find a Chicago style place around here...

Appreciate or begrudgingly accept? ;)

I’m kind of late to the party posting this, so it will probably get buried in the grays. (One of these days I’ll get let out of gray jail...) But here goes:

Speaking as a Porsche fan... the Morgan wins.

These are just folks who haven’t yet moved to FL, that’s all.

I just wanted to say thank you for summarizing the points in the text of the post. Those of us browsing Jalopnik at work/other public places may not be able to watch a 7 minute video at this time.

I’ve done this before as well. Just find a hotel!

You’re assuming there was a factor rebate available. There was no such thing offered for my car. I put down 20% and financed the rest for 5 years at 1.9%. I have already made back the amount of interest that will accrue on the loan should I even allow the loan to progress to full term.

Not knowing anything about mail and/or package delivery in Canada, I am just hypothesizing here. In the US, our postal service has been making a strong pivot towards package delivery service via partnerships with various other shipping agencies and companies. I would imagine that is what is driving the requirement for

This is really cool, but... I’m a little overweight My biggest fear is that I’d just end up looking like Ghyslain Raza when I see the final production.

I feel like your comment was meant as a joke that none of the other replies seem to have gotten...

I was just looking at the prices of the 456 on ebay. At ~$70k, is it possible that this one’s at the bottom of it’s depreciation curve?

Hartford area for me. I actually looked up the next NER Rallycross, but I’m already busy that weekend, unfortunately. I’m sure I’ll see you around eventually. I hope I do anyway. I want to see this beast in action. :)

I figured as much. Looks like CT classic plates on the car, though? I recognized the Hartford AutoX location in the Youtube video (although it’s been a while since I’ve been out there myself) and also recognized the Brattleboro location in the other photo. I figure I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled.

I’d love to know where he competes at Rallycross. I’d drive out and spectate just to witness this beast in action.