Yeah, he’ll prob kill someone cause he was driving after eating Tootsie Pops.
Yeah, he’ll prob kill someone cause he was driving after eating Tootsie Pops.
LMFAO— i love you dude, whoever you are
Move to another country would work. We didn’t whine and cry as much as you cry babies did when Obama was elected. You all seem to forget, Obama was elected the same way, by the same process and by the people. Now that your party lost, by the same process, you are all still whining and crying. Your what’s wrong with…
Google grumpy cat for hours on end
Do not tune in at the places above at the times specified.
I have several non-Christian friends, and truthfully Christmas as turned into a mostly non-religious holiday over the years. It’s more of a celebration of friends and family, and they all just join in. We share traditions and try things from their cultures. Our Jewish friends man the stove and start cranking out…
I have mostly found the only one’s that get bent out of shape about the holidays are born-again Christians that harp on people using Xmas or even saying Happy Holidays instead of Christmas. I’m an atheist, former Episcopal, and I enjoy celebrating the Holidays with my family. And yes, I do wish my Christian family a…
Well, I’m screwed.
Seriously, the whole “non-Christians are offended by Christmas” myth is schtick to fan the flames of the culture wars.
So, essentially, “Don’t be a dick.” OK. Got it, thanks.
Wiccan here who celebrates Yule. Just invite me over for turkey and all the trimmings and we’re good. I don’t care if there’s a Jesus under your tree or if you give me a gift that has “Merry Christmas” on it (Hey, a gift! Wow, thanks for thinking of me!).
This is a critical insight of eastern thought. Robert Pirsig put it quite nicely:
Thanks, fixed!
I have family members saying the same thing. Fidel betrayed the people and later, manipulated VZLA, and now look at Caracas. His regime never could provide decent food, but never skimped on PR.
My mom called me crying from a casino in Vegas. She was born in Havana a month after he took power and lived in that hell for twelve years. I’m so happy my Grandpa got to see this day. Fuck Castro.
While I have friends who did their med school in Cuba, acknowledge the role he played in supporting Mandela (to a large degree because he wanted to tweak the nose of the US any way he could) and agree that US policy in Latin America has often been a disaster, I have little sympathy for someone who executed 5000…
You Shitti Farty Dirty Nasty Jude Bitch!
My son is in 1st grade and attends a public school that’s very diverse. Since pre-k, at least once a year, he has been the target of a racist bullying, some physical.
I can’t decide whether I want to explain dithering or not. It seems like it might be a good idea, but I keep changing my mind.
Excellent! Now this bot can do what 99.99% of people do when talking about global cooling, errr global warming, errr climate change.